  • 學位論文


Exploring the Decision Making on Switching Career of Nurses at the End of Parental Leave

指導教授 : 張菊惠


前言:育嬰留職停薪津貼實施後,全國女性勞動參與率顯著上升,但護理人員執業登記率卻未見同步上升。育嬰假對護理人員繼續留在臨床工作有何影響?抑或育嬰留職停薪期間成了離開職場的規劃、銜接期?是值得探究的議題。 目的:瞭解影響護理人員育嬰假結束後重返、轉換、出走的原因,以及流失護理人力重返臨床工作的誘因。 方法:以深入訪談法,針對曾申請過育嬰假並請領育嬰留職停薪津貼的護理人員,探詢其育嬰假期滿後之職涯調整計畫及其決策相關因素,育嬰留職停薪對職場人力資源之影響,促使護理人員願意回任因素為何,共訪談九位,包括繼續任職五位、轉任職務二位、出走二位。資料收集期間為2015年4~6月,訪談資料以NVIVO質性分析軟體建檔、編碼與分析。以確實性、可轉換性及可靠性作為信效度之判斷依據。本研究經行政院衛生署嘉南療養院人體試驗委員會審核核准進行(IRB編號:15-005)。 結果:本研究歸納出護理人員育嬰假後職涯規劃的「起」、「承」、「轉」、「合」,並加以闡述及討論。「起」,為生產前的決策因素,包含可否申請到休假、育嬰相關福利是否符合護理人員需求及組織因素;「承」,為繼續護理工作的原因,從自我堅持,到單位與組織的協助,均影響護理人員是否繼續護理工作;「轉」,為轉任職務或出走護理人員的心聲與動向,尋求轉機順利轉任適合職務、或職場信心崩壞而選擇出走並成就另一番事業;「合」,為護理人員認為足以重返職場的誘因,分為政策、組織及個人因素做說明。 結論:護理人員留任是醫療體系近年致力發展的人力短缺因應措施,除了留住新進人員,現有人力的留任也很重要,經歸納受訪者意見、比較國內外文獻及研究者個人意見後,本研究提出以下建議(一)育嬰假政策調整:包含休假期間連動津貼發放、保留部分育嬰津貼、育嬰假期間「部分工時」或復職後「彈性工時」;(二)留任政策方面:包含合理護病比及媽咪跨一步;(三)人力資源方面:包含在職人員關懷、員工世代分散及銀髮人力資源管理等政策,期望提高現有護理人員留任率及出走護理人員的回任率。 關鍵字: 育嬰假(parental leave)、護理人員(nursing staff)、轉職(working shift)、留任(retention)、護理人力短缺(nursing shortage)


Introduction: The national female labor participation rate has increased significantly after parental leave allowance implementation, but the rate of nurses practice registration was not increase in the same pace. What impacts nurses willing to continue work in the clinical care due to parental leave allowance policy? It has become a planning to leave workplace? These issues are worth exploring. The purpose of this study was to explore the related factor of carrier adjusting planning after parental leave, to understanding the nurse retention factor and manpower. Method: In-depth interviews was used in this study, In-depth interviews was used in this study, 9 subjects were the nurses who has applied parental leave allowance, included 3 person continue to work, 2 nurses has transferred to another position, and 2 have leave the nurse profession. Data collection from April to June 2015, NVIVO qualitative analysis software was used to filing, coding and analysis, certainty. The transferability and reliability were the basis to judging the reliability and validity. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board committee of Jainan psychiatric hospital (IRB No: 15-005) Result: The study concludes were 4 parental leave theme of nursing career planning, the “beginning”, “commitment”, “Transferred or leave”, and "Acceptance". The beginning means the decision factors of before childbirth, including the possibility of applying parental leave, child-care-related benefits meets the demand of nurses and organizational factors. The “commitment” was the reason nurses willing continued to work, means I insisted to assist the unit and organization, and it influenced the motivation of work. The “Transferred or leave” were nurses’ inner voice and movements, the rather to searching a smooth and suitable positions, leave because of confidence collapse toward the workplace then find another career achievement. The” acceptance” means nurses considered enough incentive to return to the workplace, into policy, organizational and personal factors do explain. Conclusion: Nurses retention policy has been used adjusting shortages issue in recent years. In addition to retain new hires, existing manpower is also very important. After induction of respondents’ comments, compared literature and the researcher individual views, the suggestions of this study were 1. To adjust the parental leave policy: policies need to connect allowance paid vacation, retain some parental allowance, allow part time work during parental leave period or flexible working hours while return to work. 2. Nursing retention policy: reasonable nursing care nursing time.3.Human resources : Includes in-service personal caring, be attention in generation gap of employees in human resource management policies, it is desirable to improve the retention rate and nursing return rate. Key wards:Parental leave, Nursing staff, Working shift, Retention, Nursing shortage


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