  • 學位論文


To Establish Evacuating Support System for Vulnerable eople Suffered from Disasters via Community-based Disaster Management

指導教授 : 邵珮君


摘要 近年來因許多大規模自然災害而使許多人受到災害的威脅,由台灣、日本數據發現在受災死亡的人中高齡者比例為最高,由於其體力、生理機能已不如一般人,而日本調查中又發現除了高齡者外,身理障礙、孕婦、外國人、乳幼兒等亦為災害中高危險群,因此在發生災害時應給予適切的災害情報傳達等避難支援。 本研究初步以美國、日本及台灣等文獻分析,尤以日本為主,並以社區自助觀點歸納避難支援課題及對策,並分別整理分析在災前整備、災時及災後生活期間災害時災害弱勢族群避難支援之要項,以作為未來考量災害弱勢族群支援相關對策時之要素,並以此架構進行專家問卷與個案社區訪談及居民問卷調查。 專家問卷以模糊德爾菲法分析專家群體對於本研究建構之災害弱勢族群避難支援對策項目權重;本研究遴選上安與金華兩個案社區進行實證研究,訪談社區幹部與做居民問卷調查,以描述性統計、次數分配、交叉分析與t檢定分析,加以了解目前社區對於災害弱勢族群實施之相關避難支援對策現況以及居民對於本研究建構之災害弱勢族群避難支援對策項目重要性評價,綜合分析農村社區與都市社區災害弱勢族群避難支援對策的要素,以建構完善之社區自助之災害弱勢族群避難支援體系。 本研究發現,在專家群評與社區問卷分析部分,皆認為「與社區內部合作」與「救援方法與訓練」是非常重要的項目;而不同之處為對策『於一般避難所內設置特殊醫療設備』在專家群體得到最低的權重,但社區中高齡者認為避難所的醫療設備是非常重要的避難所設備項目;農村社區則因災害經驗豐富居民參與救援方法與訓練的意願較都市社區高,而避難所規劃方面農村社區認為醫療設備非常重要、都市社區則希望能有災害弱勢者個人專屬空間。 關鍵字:災害弱勢者,自然災害,避難支援


Abstract Many people are threatened in natural disaster. From the statistical data in Taiwan and Japan, it shows that many suffers are the aged people. Except the aged people, people including foreigners, children, gravidas and disabled people also become the vulnerable people to disaster due to lacking the information for evacuation. Thus, how to provide a suitable evacuation support to help those who are vulnerable to the disaster becomes a vital issue. This research analyzes literatures of Taiwan, Japan and America to verify subjects of the support measurements for the vulnerable people to disaster. The purpose is to make clear the factors involved with evacuation supports for the vulnerable people to disaster under different time span. Not only literature review, but also expert questionnaire was done by Fuzzy Delphi Method and two communities which are Jinhwa in Tainan City and Shang-an in Nantou County were selected to undertake case studies by interview and statistical analysis. As the results, the research finds some different opinions between the experts and the communities. The experts thought that cooperation and the evacuating drill in community are important; however, the communities showed the attitude on necessary of increasing equipments in refuge. And such kind thinking is significantly especially in the elder people in the communities. Nevertheless, the opinion involved in increasing facilities in refuge is different between Jinhwa Community and Shang-an one. Jinhwa where is in city area needs much private space in the refuge, and Shang-an where is in rural area needs more medical one. This also reveal that post-disaster what people need in refuge show what they are lacking in daily life. Finally, how to establish the mechanism of evacuating for the vulnerable people to disaster combing with community-based disaster management is also suggested in the research. Keywords: Vulnerability people to disaster、natural disaster、Evacuating supports


5.李傳房、曾思瑜(2000),探討Universal Design 應用在高齡者GUI設計之研究,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告。


