  • 學位論文


The Study of Athletic Injuries of Junior High School Archery Teams in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃泰源


摘 要 本研究旨在了解台灣地區國民中學射箭代表隊選手運動傷害之現況及探討運動傷害之相關情形。研究方法為文獻分析與問卷調查法。研究對象為台灣地區103年全國中等運動會射箭賽(國中選手),共發出232份問卷,回收率81.0%,有效樣本共188份。問卷回收後分別以敘述統計、次數分配、X2考驗等統計方法進行分析。根據研究結果將結論分析歸納如下: 一﹑我國國中射箭代表隊選手運動傷害認知程度在運動傷害知識來源方面以教練傳授最多;運動傷害防護員設置以極必要最多;比賽中運動傷害防護站設置以極必要最多;練習比賽時對本身保護設施以極必要最多;希望教練經常傳授運動傷害防護知識以極必要最多。 二﹑我國國中射箭代表隊選手運動傷害發生次數以沒有發生最多;運動傷害部位以肩膀部最多;運動傷害類型以肌腱炎最多;運動傷害發生原因以疲勞身體狀況不佳最多;運動傷害發生時機以平常練習時最多;運動傷害處理方式以中醫治療及自行處理最多。 三﹑不同年級國中射箭代表隊選手運動傷害比較均未達顯著水準;不同射齡國中射箭代表隊選手運動傷害受傷比較均未達顯著水準;不同教練運動傷害知識教導國中射箭代表隊選手運動傷害比較亦未達顯著水準。 本研究根據以上結論,提出幾點建議提供教育行政單位、國民中學教練與未來相關研究作參考。


射箭 運動傷害 教練


Abstract The purpose of the study is to investigate the current situations and circumstances of sports injuries, and discuss the relation with them. The research methods included literature review and questionnaire survey. The survey objects are archers in the selection of school team for National High School Sports Competitions in 2014. The study issued a total of 232 questionnaires, with the return rate of 81.0%, among which there are 188 questionnaires valid. The data is analyzed by descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and Chi-square test. The findings based on the results of the research are as follows: 1. The most awareness of the sports injuries for the archers is taught by the coach. The athletic trainer is the most necessary to set up. The sports injury station for the archery games is the most necessary to set up. The equipment for protecting archers during the practicing is the most necessary. The knowledge of the sports injuries from the coach is the most necessary for the archers. 2. Most of the archers are not injured during the games. Shoulder injury is the most. The tendonitis is the most of the types in sports injuries. The fatigue is the most of the reason in sports injury. The daily practice is the most of the time in sports injuries. The Chinese medicine and self-treatment are the most of the treatment in sports injuries. 3. It’s not up to a significant level of sports injuries and different-grade archers. It’s not up to a significant level of sports injuries and different-shooting-year archers. It’s not up to a significant level of sports injuries and different-knowledge-teaching coach.


archery sports injury coach


張可欣、盧美麗、洪至祥(2010)。撐竿跳高運動中不當技術造成下背 部運動傷害之探討。嶺東體育暨休閒學刊,8,63-72。
