  • 學位論文


Bicycling behaviors and road safety among high school students

指導教授 : 謝賢書


校園交通事故所造成的傷亡人數最多,如何降低學生交通意外事故所造成之傷亡事件並減少傷亡人數,是目前校園安全的當務之急。本研究藉由文獻探討、相關理論回顧與交通安全工作實務,衍生出自行車行為安全調查問卷,問卷內容包括:1.基本資料:年齡、通學里程數等。2.效標資料:如車禍次數、受傷次數等。3.學生自行車行為:包括號誌遵守、騎快習慣、轉彎行為、維修知識、警覺及安全態度等六大項。以問卷調查方式來瞭解高中生自行車通學行為的安全意識與交通安全效能之關連性。 本研究選擇以臺南市高中生的行為表現與交通安全的關係加以評析。根據研究分析結果發現,8成的學生有相當正確的安全知能,但表示會做出跟前車闖紅燈等這類冒險行為約佔4成人數。此即顯示就算是學生有相當的安全知能,在知道跟闖紅燈是危險的情況,還是會做出這項危險行為,致使事故發生機會大增。學生通學時多注意四週狀況,例如學生知道行經巷口的危險性,6成學生會選擇安全通學路線,其中僅14%發生過巷口衝突。相較於不會選擇安全通學路線的5成發生巷口衝突,安全警覺提高是降低事故維護安全的重要良方。因此學校教育之交通安全教育執行,以學校週邊發生案例等貼近學生生活內容為佳,以提高學生騎乘時的警覺性增進教學效能。以此俾供教育機關及後續研究者之參考。




Traffic accidents cause most deaths and injuries in the campus among the high school incident events. How to reduce the number of traffic accident as well as the consequential deaths and injuries is the most urgent issue in the high school. This study is aimed to understand what and how the cycling behaviors and attitudes affect the occurrence of traffic accidents in high schools. This research adopts the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consists of three parts, namely, demographic data, control variables, and cycling behaviors and attitudes. This study distributes the questionnaire to the senior high school students in Tainan City. The results shows that 80 percent of the surveyed subjects has correct safety knowledge, but 40 percent might follow the risk behavior of their front bikes or vehicles, such as breaking a red light. Sixty percent of them would take a safe route and fourteen percent among them has experienced the troubles in the entrance of the lane while fifty percent of whom not taking a safe route has experienced the troubles. This study concludes that safety awareness is the key factor in reducing the traffic accidents among the senior high school students who use bikes as the major transportation tool.


Safety awareness


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (1998).NHTSA homepageRetrieved January 1999.Available: www.nhtsa.gov.
