  • 學位論文


The study of sustainable environmental assessment for detailed planning areas

指導教授 : 周士雄


永續發展已是現今國家、城市與社區發展趨勢,其目的在於減少人類對環境的破壞與減低環境對人類之衝擊,而目前地區發展受土地使用計畫所規範,顯然有必要評估土地使用規劃對地區環境永續發展之效益,特別是像台江地區內富有自然生態資源之區域。 本研究以環境永續配合土地使用規劃元素來建構台江地區環境永續發展評估指標體系,再藉由專家學者評定評估指標對於不同環境永續表現所造成的影響關係及程度,最後運用地理資訊系統的空間分析,來呈現土地使用計畫方案在永續上之表現成效,且與現況永續表現進行比較分析,最後針對土地使用計畫方案提出其應改善之部分。 研究結果發現細部計畫方案以熱環境與能源環境方面表現較差,其計畫方案內容將使得永續程度變差之網格多於永續程度變佳之網格約有120~123格之多;而在生態環境與水環境這兩個面向之永續表現都比現況來的佳,計畫永續表現變佳之網格約有136格之多。此外,亦有許多原本表現不錯之網格顯現背向永續發展,其主要因素可從分析中明顯看出係肇因於都市人口的成長,都市人口指標對於這四大面向的負面影響程度佔有極重的權重,因此若欲改善整體環境永續表現,則須先從抑制都市人口成長及增置與維護自然地區著手改善。


Sustainable development has become a developmental trend of many countries, cities, and communities. Its purpose lies in reducing environmental destruction caused by human and environmental impact on human. Nowadays, regional development is regulated by the land-use planning. Apparently, it is necessary to estimate the interest which would be yielded from the land-use planning for regional environmental development, especially regions such as Taijiang area which has rich natural ecological resources. This study integrated permanent environmental development and elements of land-use planning to construct an assessment indicator system of permanent environment development for Taijiang area. Then specialists and experts determined the relationship of influence and extent of which expressed by the assessment indicators. Finally, the special analysis of Geographic Information System was adopted to display the performance effect of sustainability on the land-use planning project, and then had it compared and analyzed with permanent performance. In the end, portions of the land-use planning project which need improvement were pointed out. The research result shows that among detail-plan project, thermal and energy environments had worse performance. Such content of planning project caused a fact that worsened permanency degree had 120~123 grids that improved permanency degree. In the aspects of ecological and water environments, permanency performance have improved, where improved grids of the planning project were as many as 136 grids. In additional, many grids which initially had good performance presented reverse tropism, factor of which was caused by population growth in the city obviously, through analysis. The indicator of city population had negative influence on these four aspects, with great weight. Therefore, in improving permanent performance of the overall environment, the priority should be fixed on inhibition of population growth in the cities and planning and preservation of more natural regions.


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