  • 學位論文

The Everything Green Living Book之中譯與翻譯實務探討

The Translation and Commentary of The Everything Green Living Book

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在翻譯The Everything Green Living Book: Easy Ways to Conserve Energy, Protect Your Family's Health, and Help Save the Environment (《環保生活百科:節省能源、維護家庭健康與協助拯救環境的簡易方式》)第一章、第六章與第七章,提供國內ㄧ般讀者有關日常生活的環保資訊,並探討翻譯過程中採取的翻譯策略及翻譯技巧。本論文以漢斯・弗米爾(Hans Vermeer)提出的「目的論」(Skopos Theory)為理論基礎,翻譯過程中採用卡塔麗娜・賴斯(Katharina Reiss)「信息類文本」(informative text type)的翻譯策略,應用九項翻譯技巧翻譯出中文讀者可接受、具可讀性的譯本,達到傳達原文信息的目的。本論文共分六章。第一章為緒論,包括研究動機與目的。第二章為文獻探討,除了簡介原著及其作者,筆者以其他兩本環保書籍和原著的內容作比較,並說明本論文應用的理論「目的論」。第三章為研究過程,說明賴斯「信息類文本」的翻譯策略,接著討論筆者的翻譯過程與使用的翻譯工具。第四章為譯文。第五章為翻譯實務探討,舉例說明翻譯過程中應用的九項翻譯技巧。第六章為結論,提出此次翻譯過程的心得與建議。


The main purposes of this thesis are to provide Chinese readers with the information about how to live a green life by translating chapter 1, 6, and 7 of The Everything Green Living Book: Easy Ways to Conserve Energy, Protect Your Family's Health, and Help Save the Environment and to analyze the strategy and the skills applied in the translating process. This thesis is written on the basis of Hans Vermeer’s Skopos theory. By using the translation strategy for the informative text type proposed by Katharina Reiss, 9 translation skills are used to provide Chinese translations which are acceptable and readable to Chinese readers to deliver the massages from The Everything Green Living Book. This thesis consists of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 states the motivation and the purpose of this thesis. Chapter 2 briefly introduces the content and the author of The Everything Green Living Book, compares other 2 books’ contents with The Everything Green Living Book’s, and discusses the translation theory, Skopos theory. Chapter 3 describes the translation strategy for the informative text type, the translating process, and the tools used in the translating process. Chapter 4 is the translated text of chapter 1, 6, and 7 of The Everything Green Living Book. Chapter 5, with examples provided, analyzes how 9 translation skills are used to provide the translated texts. Chapter 6 sums up the findings and suggestions from the translating process.


劉乃禎 (2013)。「翻譯The World is Flat 及實作分析」。未出版之碩士論文,長榮大學翻譯研究所,台南市。


