  • 學位論文

Influence Value: Quantifying Topic Influence in Social Media

影響值: 量化社群網路中主題的影響力

指導教授 : 陳宜欣


互聯網和永久性的增長在微博上的人氣普及 社交網絡在過去幾年中,也導致了一個顯著增加 用戶對這些網站微博上載的數據。但是所產生的數據是 動態的性質,綁時間條件和用戶的主體。 日常生活經驗,討論或事件對行為有直接影響 體現在社會網絡。因此,它是非常重要的驢 影響這些相互作用有超過一個社會群體。一種替代回答 這是確定如何影響一個主題是根據行為呈現 在社交網絡隨時間。然後,必須尋找和開發方法 可利用實現這一任務。這項工作結合相關的三個方面 這種數據的利用:話題識別,情感分類和影響力 決心。一旦主題確定我們首先它歸類為特定時間或 長期看,然後投遞相關的話題進行收集和每一個被分配了一個 情感標籤。處理崗位的流後有利於基於時間的分析 我們提出了基於這將給予每個主題的價值影響其得分 壽命,情感過渡,以量化的話題是如何影響力達到 在一個社會群體,特別是從檢測到的事件在twitter上。換句話說,我們 總結對事件的情緒反應,並結合其與時間 變量來確定它是在一個社會團體如何影響力。


The ubiquity of internet and permanent growth in popularity of Microblogging Social Networks over the past years, has also led to a significant increase in the data uploaded by users to these Microblog sites. However the generated data is dynamic by nature, tied to temporal conditions and the subjectivity of its users. Everyday life experiences, discussions or events have a direct impact on the behaviors reflected in social networks. It is therefore of great importance to asses the impact these interactions are having over a social group. An alternative to answer this is determining how influential a topic is according to the behavior presented on a social network over time. It is then necessary to find and develop methods that can leverage towards this task. This work combines three fields relevant to this kind of data utilization: topic identification, emotion classification and influence determination. Once a topic is identified we first classify it as time specific or long term, then posts relevant to the topic are collected and each one is assigned an emotion label. After processing the stream of posts to favor a time based analysis we propose an Influence Value score which will be given to each topic based on its lifespan, emotion transition and reach in order to quantify how influential a topic is over a social group, specifically from events detected on twitter. In other words we summarize the emotional response towards an event and combine it with temporal variables to determine how influential it is over a social group.


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