  • 學位論文


The establishment of the image of Ying Bin Yi Lao : A research of Su Zhe’s poetry during his seclusion in YingChang

指導教授 : 李貞慧


蘇轍(1039-1112),字子由,晚號潁濱遺老。晚年閑居穎昌的蘇轍,其詩文皆達到另一高峰。除了撰有萬餘字自傳〈潁濱遺老傳〉以外,亦於詩歌之中展現其獨特的時間意識與自傳性質。面對黨禁環境,與身歿名寂的焦慮,蘇轍在晚年詩文中留下「潁濱遺老」的自我定位。  蘇轍潁昌時期(1100-1112)詩作展現了蘇轍對於個人生命的體察,與宋人「史家筆法」的運用,而「潁濱遺老」更是反映宋代士大夫面對生命困頓之際,所因應的生存哲學。詩歌中的「潁濱遺老」涵義豐富,包含蕭然燕居的衰翁,傳授家學的長者,治理屋舍寄寓心志的老人,以及將自我擬顏回,推求「孔顏樂處」精神的獨居者。蘇轍潁昌詩不僅以詩埋藏深意,回應崇寧黨禁,更展現以儒家傳統為依歸,內省並安頓自我的士人氣象。由此,推究「潁濱遺老」成為轉向內在的士人典型,蘇轍潁昌時期詩作於宋詩發展中獨具意義。   本論文第一章為緒論,第二章梳理「遠謫嶺南」時期蘇轍當中的矛盾與自適的心緒,藉此理解蘇轍關注自我的緣由。第三章探析蘇轍關注於自我生命的詩作,將蘇轍時間意識為經,自我關注為緯,以「天候喻政」詩作、歲時紀錄詩歌與生日詩為例說明。第四章探析蘇轍晚年對自我的定位與「潁濱遺老」的具體形象內容。透過本研究,一方面希望能繼承前人之說,確立並開展蘇轍身為北宋「轉向內在」的士人典型論點;另一方面則期望能補充蘇轍研究中較為缺乏的詩歌部分,並再次思考蘇轍於北宋詩歌史的成就與地位。


In Yingchang, Su Zhe(1039-1112)("Zi You") named himself“Ying Bin Yi Lao”in his late years, when his poetry reached another peak in this period. In addition to Biography of Ying Bin Yi Lao, Su Zhe also shows special temporal and autobiographical traits in his poems. He identified himself as " Yi Lao "(遺老) to suggest a retreat from factional conflicts of his time and the anxiety of falling into forever oblivion, which both can be found in his late-period poems .   While the poems written in Yingchang period (1100-1112) show his understanding of personal life and employments of historical writing to imply political events, the name Ying Bin Yi Lao also reflects the life philosophy of how the Song Dynasty scholars faced difficulties.The meaning of Ying Bin Yi Lao is plentiful, including the ones with an old man who lives leisurely in Yingchang, an elder teaches the family’s younger generation, an aged who refurbishes houses to enrich his mind, and the one who pursues the spirit of " Confucius and Hui’s Cheerfulness ". Ying Bin Yi Lao became the prototype for scholars who turn to immanence. As a result, Su Zhe's poems in Yingchang period have significant meanings in the development of Song poetry.   Relevant topics are demonstrated in five chapters.Chapter 1 is the introduction. In Chapter 2, the poems are arranged when Su Zhe is relegated to Lingnan to figure out the reason for Su Zhe's concern about selves. In Chapter 3, the aim is to discuss the poems with special temporal and concerning selves, including the poems using the weather to suggest politics, the poems with life record, and unique birthday poems. In Chapter 4, Su Zhe's position of selves in his later years and the specific image content of Ying Bin Yi Lao is analyzed. Then, Chapter 5 is the conclusion. This thesis aims to complement deficiency of research on Su Zhe’s poems, and to re-evaluate his achievements and status on literature history of Northern Song Dynasty. Moreover, I hope this research would also secure and amplified the long- lasting argument about Su Zhe as a typical "turning inward " scholar of the Song Dynasty.


涂美雲,〈蘇轍在元祐黨爭中的角色與影響〉,《興大中文學報》第 23 期, 2008 年,頁 183-206。
