  • 學位論文

跨國商業代孕: 我國委託者與子女之法律上困境

Transnational Commercial Surrogacy: The Legal Barriers Facing Intended Parents and Children Born through Surrogacy

指導教授 : 林昀嫺


我國代孕尚未合法化,現行《人工生殖法》明文排除未婚、同志伴侶以及雙方皆無法產生健康生殖細胞或是妻子無法以其子宮懷胎受孕之異性夫妻;非血緣之收養方面,程序繁瑣、法官與訪視人員對同志伴侶及未婚者之偏見亦成為收養上阻礙。由近幾年各國案例可證實,雖有法律規定仍難阻絕人民對於養育子女之期待,若自身條件無法生育子女,人民可能前往他國使用人工生殖科技(ART),此活動亦有生育之旅(fertility / reproductive tourism)之稱,跨國代孕(transnational surrogacy)即為其中一項選擇並於近年快速發展。然而,在尋求跨國代孕之同時,委託者卻可能需要面對在代孕契約以及與代孕居間發生爭議時,於外國法域內進行訴訟之風險與成本。而於日後生下之代孕子女,更可能因為各國法律規範之差異,使其於出生後立即面臨法律上親子關係不確定、無法取得國籍、入籍等法律上問題,嚴重影響子女權利。我國近年來興起對於代孕合法化討論的同時,已出現人民至他國尋求代孕之案例並發生法律上爭議,鑒於目前跨國代孕所具有之風險,如何減少民眾選擇跨國代孕之動機、如何處理跨國代孕之下可能面臨之法律上風險,以及目前跨國代孕出生子女之法律地位實值得我們關注。 本研究對於我國跨國代孕問題提出以下建議:積極討論國內代孕之合法化,使相關資訊得以公開並同時建立專業諮詢人員之認證程序,除可因此讓國內民眾對於代孕實際運作細節能有更多認識、讓相關專業人員得以獲得實際經驗、民眾亦藉此評估自身對於代孕之適合度,實為減少目前委託者和代孕子女在跨國代孕中遇到法律上困境之最根本的解決方法;另外,針對目前跨國代孕子女在入籍等行政程序上受到阻礙,本研究認為,政府機關應遵照我國民法中對於讓非婚生子女取得婚生子女地位之立法目的、參照我國學者提出之人工生殖子女之最佳利益,盡快訂定各機關之統一對於跨國代孕子女相關文件以及登記、入籍等處理流程或是準則,避免民眾無所遵行。


According to laws of Taiwan, surrogacy is not allowed, and The Artificial Reproduction Act states that, only married couples can use assisted reproduction technologies (ART) in Taiwan. The only feasible way for same-sex couples and single people in Taiwan to have children is through adoption. However, the fact remains that parenting through adoption is more difficult to achieve for same-sex couples and single people than for heterosexual couples in Taiwan. Therefore, people consider the use of ART abroad. The willingness to travel for ART and the practices are known as fertility / reproductive tourism. One of the fastest-growing categories is transnational surrogacy, the act of intended parents traveling internationally to engage the paid services of foreign surrogates to carry their babies to term. People who seek parenthood have benefited from transnational surrogacy, however, it also created legal risks arising from conflict of laws and, in some cases, created potentials to leave the legal status and nationality of children in doubt. Children born to surrogates abroad might not be considered as citizens of Taiwan, and Taiwan’s complex family registry system makes it difficult to complete birth registration and registration of parentage. Moreover, intended parents who seek the transnational surrogacy have to face the potential cost arising from the unfamiliar legal systems and accountability for surrogacy agencies. Based on the study findings, the author suggests that Taiwan should establish a framework to legalize and regulate surrogacy in order to protect intended parents and children born through surrogacy. Counseling systems should also be developed, by which medical information, psychological supports and legal advices are provided. Furthermore, administrative agencies should also reach a consensus on issues of dealing with birth certificates of children born through transnational surrogacy arrangements, regarding the best interests of the child as the most important consideration when dealing with cases of transnational surrogacy.


