  • 學位論文


Applying the disruptive innovative technologies into higher education: Effectiveness of integrating open educational resources, platforms, and mobile devices

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


近年來教育性的破壞式創新科技如網路、開放教育資源與小型化學習載具正全面性地轉變教育學習模式,而高等教育首當其衝,至今相關研究皆著重在微觀層級,能宏觀全面性之探討付諸闕如。 因此,本論文以宏觀多元視角切入,融匯開放式教育資源、平台與行動載具之整合,透過六個研究探討破壞式創新科技在高等教育中各種學習情境之影響。其中有針對開放式教育資源、跨載具學習與平台的設計建置之探討(研究一與二),另有融入專業科目(熱物理)、通識教育(藝術鑑賞)、體育學習(羽球學習)以及研究所課程(學術英文寫作)之研究(研究三到六)。本論文研究期間長達五年,每項研究實驗期間至少為一學期,並採用質化及量化並行之研究方法,以確保所蒐集資料之成效。 本論文研究成果如下:首先,透過雲端運算及響應式網頁所建置之開放式線上課程平台提供了跨載具的存取介面可讓學習者隨時隨地學習,結果顯示在二十個月內有來自146 不同國家地區共466,429 造訪人次透過 264種載具進行線上課程學習。第二,以開放式線上課程融入熱物理課程教學後可歸納出面對面學習、網路增強學習、交互式學習、線上學習及翻轉學習共五種模式,創造出符合不同學習需求的彈性學習方式。第三,破壞式創新科技可顯著增進學習者的成效與動機:在專業科目中,選擇翻轉學習、網路增強學習與交互式學習的學生,其學習成效高於傳統之面對面學習及線上學習之學生;將行動載具融入於通識教育與體育教學中,結果顯示皆可顯著增進學生學習動機及互動;行動載具亦可增進研究所課程中學術英文寫作之學習歷程及成效。第四,本研究針對高等教育的不同學科情境提出對應之具體建議:在專業科目歸納出之五種學習模式,可供教師在設計翻轉教學時針對不同學習類型設計教學策略;在通識課程中所提出結合雲端服務、學習平台之平板電腦互動教室,可供團體探究式教學類型課程參考;在羽球課程中所歸納之WISER模式,可應用與不同類型之動作技能教學。 總結,本論文以長達五年的研究成果提供宏觀多面向之探討,針對不同類型課程提出建議。研究結果考量了高等教育中不同領域的獨特性,亦兼具相關科目的通用性,對於新時代的學習者、高等教育機構、教師、系統發開者都極具參考價值。


In the past few years, the emergence of disruptive innovative technologies, such as open online courses and mobile devices, has brought higher education a blend of behaviors from learners as well as opportunities and challenges. However, the related research is still in its infancy. Therefore, this dissertation presented a holistic perspective to explore the effectiveness of integrating open educational resources, platforms, and mobile devices. Six studies were conducted to understand how disruptive innovative technologies could be integrated in various educational settings. Study I and II redesigned and optimized the open online courses platform as well as the learning management system for cross-device learning. Studies III to VI were conducted in four different domains in terms of fundamental subjects (thermal physics), general education (art appreciation), physical education (physical education), and graduate programs (academic writing). The duration of this dissertation was five years. Each study lasted at least an entire semester. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted in the dissertation. The triangulation method was used to improve the reliability of the study. Several valuable findings are concluded as follows: First, the open online course platform provides greater accessibility for learners with any device anywhere. A total of 466,429 visits with 264 different mobile devices from 146 territories have accessed the platform over twenty months. Second, with greater accessibility of open online courses, five different learning patterns, Face-to-Face, Web Facilitated, Alternative Blended, Online Learning, and Flipped Learning, were found in the thermal physics course to tailor the classroom to students’ needs. Third, disruptive innovative technologies could enhance learning performance and motivation in different domains. In the fundamental subjects, the learning performance of the blended learning patterns--Web Facilitated, Alternative Blended, and Flipped Learning--are higher than the tradition learning patterns--Face-to-Face and Online Learning. In general education, tablets could motivate students in art appreciation and motor skills compared with the conventional approach. In the graduate programs, adopting e-readers could facilitate students’ academic writing. Finally, this dissertation explored how disruptive innovative technologies could be applied in the context of higher education. The five learning patterns from the fundamental subject course can be the practical reference for instructors who intend to flip the lecture-based course. The WISER model was proposed in physical education which could further be applied in the related motor skill courses. In sum, the five year research of this dissertation unlocked the hidden potential of the disruptive innovative technologies for the different domain subjects in the context of higher education. This dissertation serves as a systematical and constructive reference for higher education institutes, instructors, students, and platform programmers. It can be further implemented into online degree programs, courses, and virtual universities.


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