  • 學位論文

年齡與現職年資對於事故發生關係之研究 - 以面板廠為例

A Study on the Effects of Age and the Experience of Current Position to the Accidents in a TFT-LCD Plant

指導教授 : 王明揚


在國內經濟部預測光電及面板相關產業就業人口將持續增加,深入瞭解產業相關事故發生原因進而預防有其研究的必要性。在探討各事故之間彼此的關連性時,透過事故人員共通的關鍵影響因子:年齡與現職年資,找出對於事故的影響方式及程度,再透過兩者對於事故的影響發掘真相與根因,進而進行相關的改善對策及預防措施,從事故發生的源頭進行截斷,也就是將人本身的風險予以降至最低,使事故能夠不再發生。 年齡與現職年資在過往的研究中,並無法確定對於事故發生者的真正影響為何,僅能透過分析結果瞭解統計分佈狀況與曲線,且總和論述僅就將工作類型、經驗過程與熟悉程度作為主要結論。本研究欲將上述影響予以排除,使年齡與現職年資對於事故的影響還原至基本,找出真正影響的關鍵因素。 本研究以事故人員共通項目年齡與年資作為主要因子,透過描述性統計、散佈圖、變異數分析及迴歸分析等四種統計與檢定方法,確認與事故的關係。依據分析結果進行探討,並確認是否有其他可能影響因素或衍生性因素存在,使在探求的過程中,能夠更加貼近事故根因。 最後,研究結果顯示:(一)依據不同類別屬性工作,其人員的年齡年資對於事故發生影響的程度不同。(二)年齡對於事故的影響區分為三個階段,受生理與心智成熟狀況影響。(三)在特定的年齡與年資的組合下,將會使事故發生機會最小。(四)離職率與事故千人率兩者影響關係。本研究基於人因工程的概念,雖能初窺年齡與年資之於人所帶來的風險,但更深層的意涵是不同的年齡與年資的人員所具備能力並不相同;若能適當應用在人力配置或人員的安全風險管理上,從源頭進而將事故風險控制至最低,使勞工能在更合適的職場環境中工作,也讓職場安全能更加的提升,達到主動安全管理及預防的目的。


年齡 現職年資 事故


Taiwan employed population in optoelectronics and TFT-LCD-related industries continue to grow. An in-depth understanding of industry-related accident causes and their prevention are therefore of research necessity. By the means of exploring the mutual connection among accidents, some important factors could be observed such as (1)the influencing manner and the extent of the accident through the common key influencing factors of the accident party, namely age and experience of current position;(2)discover the truth and the root causes through the impact on the accidents by both factors; and (3) make relevant improvement/ preventive measures. This is to cut the connection between accident and its source and can helps minimize the risk on persons so that accidents will not happen again. Age and experience of current position cannot determine the accident parties’ real impact on the accident in previous studies. Most researches used them only to show the statistical distribution and curve. The conclusion focused mainly on types of work, experience process and familiarity. This study, on the contrary, was planned to remove these contaminating factors and investigate the real influences of age and experience of current position on accidents so as to identify the key factors. This study took the accident parties’ age and experience of current position as the major factors and confirmed their relationship with the accidents through four kinds of statistics and test methods, including descriptive statistics; scatter plot; analysis of variance; and regression analysis. These methods can help provide a better understanding of the root cause of the accident and confirm whether there are other possible factors or derivative factors. Finally, the results show that: (A) In terms of different categories of work, age and experience of current position vary from the degrees of impact on accidents. (B)The impact of age on accidents is divided into three stages and the accidents are influenced by physical and mental maturity. (C) The combination of the specific age and experience of current position will minimize the accident occurrence. (D) The demission rate is related to the rate of accidents thousand. Based on the concept of human factors engineering, this study gets a brief understanding of the risk to people brought by age and experience of current position, but the more profound meaning is that people with different ages and experience of current position have different abilities. If they are appropriately applied in human resources deployment and personnel security risk management, we can control the risk of accidents to a minimum extent from the source, making the staff work in a more appropriate workplace environment and the workplace safety increase more greatly so as to achieve the purpose of active safety management and prevention .


age experience of current position accident


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