  • 學位論文


A Study of Semantics and Constructions of Deictic Motion Verbs ‘Lai5’ and ‘Khi3’ in Taiwan Southern Min

指導教授 : 連金發


指示動詞「來」、「去」的原為一組以說話者為基準點指示客體位移方向的不及物動詞。然而經過語法化(grammaticalization)的演變,指示動詞已發展出相當多元的語意。本文旨在探討現代閩南語的指示動詞「來」(lai5)和「去」(khi3)的各種語義。我們發現閩南語指示動詞除了表現空間趨向義外,經過語法化演變至非空間意義後,在表達說話者主觀態度功能上,有著比國語更為豐富的表現。然而,指示動詞的各種語義隨著在格式中位置的不同,呈現的語義也會有所不同,因此為了能更清楚的掌握閩南語指示動詞的各式用法,我們採用格式語法(construction grammar)的角度來分析閩南語指示動詞在格式中的各種意義。 我們發現指示動詞每種語意的展現,都出現在有特殊限制的格式,即空間意義或非空間意義各出現在不同限制的格式中。指示動詞的空間意義表現,其中最為重要的為參照點的定位,「來」表示的方向為接近參照點,「去」則是遠離參照點。一般來說參照點位置為說話當下說話者所處地點,然而為了表達某些社會性的語用功能,「來」的參照點可以轉移至聽話者身上,「指示動詞 + 處所詞」此一格式可以幫助我們定位參照點所在。而處所詞的有無也可以確保指示動詞空間性意義的一個指標,我們可以從格式中處所詞的有無看出格式的演變和語法化過程之間也有著互動關係。從語料中可以觀察到非空間意義的指示動詞在格式中通常不會再與處所詞搭配,並且會與非自主動詞搭配出現。指示動詞的非空間意義表現,用在祈使語氣中的「來」可以表示說話者的意志和參與;而用於陳述句則常與說話者主觀態度有關,「來」表示說話者置身事內的態度,「去」表示說話者置身事外或無法掌控的態度。閩南語指示動詞主觀性意義的發展,正符合Traugott(1989)年所提出的語法化趨勢。 本文第一章為引言;第二章介紹前人的研究及理論;第三章開始介紹指示動詞的空間趨向性意義;第四章討論動趨結構中的指示動詞;第五章探討指示動詞的非空間趨向意義;第六章為結語。


The deictic motion verbs ‘to come’ and ‘to go’, originally, are a pair of intransitive verbs, which show the motion of figure of which the speaker is the deictic center. However, a host of meanings of the deictic motion verbs have been derived through grammaticalization. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the polysemy of the deictic motion verbs lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’ in Taiwan Southern Min. In our data, we have observed that the deictic motion verbs lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’ in Taiwan Southern Min, in addition to their spatial and directional meanings, have derived non-spatial meanings through grammaticalization. That is, these two verbs (i.e., lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’), in the non-spatial sense, can be used to express the speaker’s subjective evaluation and mood. However, when the deictic motion verbs occur in different positions of a construction, their meanings are found to change. In order to examine the different uses of the deictic motion verbs lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’ in Taiwan Southern Min, we have adopted the construction grammar in our analysis. This study finally concludes that the polysemy of the deictic motion verbs lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’ in Taiwan Southern Min is concerned with their interaction with other elements in the construction. As for the organization of the present study, Chapter 1 is the introduction. Chapter 2 reviews a handful of previous works, as well as the primary theory adopted in this study. Chapter 3 discusses the spatial meanings of the deictic motion verbs. Chapter 4 illustrates and discusses the Taiwanese deictic motion verbs lai5 ‘to come’ and khi3 ‘to go’ when they occur in the directional construction. In this chapter, we also compare their different uses between Taiwan Southern Min and Mandarin Chinese. Chapter 5 is the discussion of the non-spatial meanings of the deictic motion verbs in Taiwan Southern Min. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes this study and summarizes major findings.


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