  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 史欽泰 丘宏昌


中文摘要 全球數位電子產業發展以創新產品的競爭最為激烈,而對於具備系統化開發知識與技能的創意需求更為迫切。數位電子產品生命週期愈來愈短暫,消費者對產品的要求愈來愈多元,不論是破壞性或延續性的創新產品,都必須要能夠洞悉消費者的心理。才能開拓出創新的產品以滿足市場的需求。 面對全球資通訊及安全監控技術快速變動所帶來的挑戰與機會,企業無不力求創新與突破,在研發過程中,每一項決策都可能形成關鍵性的錯誤,輕則浪費研發資源,重則可能因此被摒除於市場之外,要避免在創新研發過程中產生關鍵性錯誤,就必須運用系統性的產品決策評估機制,掌握每個細微的決勝關鍵要素,以推估篩選出具市場潛力的創新產品。 企業產品規劃的重要性,就有如大海中的船隻,若船頭朝著錯誤的方向行駛,即使划得再辛苦也是毫無用處的~大前研一1989。產品開發最困難的就是,在茫茫大海中如何找到對的方向,這個方向可以引導船隻不至於撞上冰山或暗礁。每個經營者的使命就是讓這隻船最終可以到達企業的金銀島。 一個公司的能力和資源決定了它在成本和用戶認可價值上的優勢,因此,比競爭對手更佳靈活運用內外部資源和核心能力。將這些資源與在行業中取勝所需的能力密切結合起來,就更有可能實現可持續的競爭優勢及獲取超額的利潤。 產品致勝的關鍵來自市場與技術的並重與契合,許多產品組合表面上具有相乘效果,但實際上卻造成策略執行上的障礙,企業如何有效地運用策略技術發展藍圖,整合市場需求與核心優勢,讓市場與技術在共同的組織夢想下運作將是一大關鍵。 正當數位化浪潮席捲全球之際,隨著寬頻,無線網路的普及與影音多媒體技術的成熟,加速4C產業的全面整合。由於資訊與媒體的數位化發展,過去家庭中傳統的消費性電子產品及安全監控系統逐漸產生變化。目前相關的電子產品陸續走向多功能整合的方向發展,並逐漸具備家庭連網的功能。也因為數位家庭互通平台逐步地建立,因此智能居家產業已正式步入導入期。同時也驅使全球各大廠商紛紛地布局與卡位。導致智能居家產業將成為全球各大廠商未來互相競逐的目標。我國憑藉過去在手機、PC 、網通及面板等相關產業的成功經驗,以及多年來深耕高科技的基礎,面對這百年難得一見的龐大商機。尤其是台灣的IC設計廠商,如何找到利基並保有競爭優勢,此刻將刻不容緩。 適逢各國政府正積極規劃並推動數位家庭產業,國內外大廠紛紛佈局之際。本研究藉由T-Plan模型,探討IC設計公司,如何從競爭激烈與變動快速的產業環境,找到未來新產品的定位及技術發展的藍圖。並根據Michael E. Porter大師的【五力分析】來分析企業的外部競爭環境與機會;以及根據【資源基礎理論】,從內部來了解企業的核心競爭優勢。經由競爭優勢分析,找出台灣IC 設計產業未來發展的關鍵成功因素與發展策略。本論文並以IC設計公司A公司為探討案例,探討個案公司如何利用T-Plan 模型,從競爭激烈且技術成熟的8位元語音IC產品轉型至32位元的多媒體IC應用,找到未來新產品的定位及技術發展的藍圖。 希望藉透過此論文探討,可以讓企業可以有效運用企業內部獨特的資源和能力及了解外部的競爭環境。並透過策略技術藍圖,了解企業發展的技術落差,進而找出企業未來發展的最佳策略。強化企業發展策略的應變能力,及持續創新的經營模式;隨時掌握市場的需求與趨勢,及新產品上市的時機;有效整合與運用內外部資源,確保企業的營運績效;加強業務與研發部門的人員溝通,使研發人員開發出符合市場期待的產品。並妥善利用兩岸經貿合作的政府政策之優勢及創新的營運模式,打造一個有別於國外的競爭策略。


ABSTRACT In the global digital electronics industry where competition is fierce, the systematic development of knowledge and skills for creative needs is more urgent for innovative products. With digital electronics products’ increasingly short life cycle, consumers demand more and more diversified products. Whether a product is discontinued, or whether it is further more innovatively developed, informed decisions must be made on insight into consumer psychology to develop innovative products to meet market demand. In the face of the rapidly changing challenges and opportunities in the development of global information communications and security surveillance technology, business enterprises are striving for innovation and breakthroughs in the research and development process. Each decision may create a critical error and waste R&D resources, therefore excluding the product from the market. To avoid this key error in the innovation R&D, we must utilize a systematic and tactical evaluation process. In order to find the decisive key factors for product innovation, we have to estimate and choose processes with the best potential for the market. The importance of corporate product planning is like setting the course for ships at sea. “If the bow of the ship is pointed in the wrong direction, the course set is useless no matter how hard you work” ~ Dr. Kenichi Ohmae 1989. Product development is the most difficult challenge similar to how a ship in the open sea must find the right direction. This direction can take the ship to hit an iceberg or a hidden reef or safely to its destination. Each captain’s mission is to make the ship eventually reach the company's Treasure Island. The capacity and resources of a company determine its value in terms of cost and user recognition advantage; therefore, it is essential to be better than the competition in the flexible use of external resources and core competencies. These resources in the industry and the necessity to lessen the distance between the cost and user recognition advantage are more likely to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage and access to excess profits The key to product success derives from both from the market and the fit of the technology. We would think that this combination would lead to a successful product, however in some cases it can create barriers to strategy implementation. Consequently, sound business strategy must focus on how to effectively integrate market demand and the core value advantage in the market to succeed. With the digital wave sweeping across the world, broadband, wireless networks, and multimedia technologies have matured into fully integrated acceleration 4C industries. As digital information and media developed, the past family tradition of consumer electronics products and safety monitoring system has changed. The related electronic products are now emerging in the direction of multi-functional integration, and gradually have home networking functionality. Because of the step by step building of the digital home interoperability platform, smart home industry has formally entered into its initial stage. Additionally, the world's major manufacturers have been driven to strategically improve their products step by step. Leaders in the smart home industry who compete with each other to reach the next target will become the world's leading manufacturers. In the past, our phone, PC, Netcom, panels and other related industries’ successful experience has resulted from deep plowing over the years based on high technology. At the beginning of this century it is hard to see huge business opportunities. In particular, it is imperative that Taiwan's IC design companies find out how to retain their competitive advantage. Coincidentally, the governments of the world are actively planning and promoting the digital home industry. Domestic and foreign manufacturers have the opportunity to climb to the top. The T-Plan model assists an IC design company plan how to stay competitive in an industry with rapid changes in the environment, find the next new product positioning, and aids in the development of a roadmap for technology development. Michael E. Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis” analyzes the company's external competitive environment and opportunities. According to “Resources, the basic theory through understanding the company's core competitive advantage” through competitive advantage analysis, we can identify the key success factors and development strategies for future development of Taiwan's IC design industry. In this thesis, an IC design company is a case study on how to use the T-Plan model. It explains the transition of the highly competitive and mature technology from the 8-bit voice IC products to 32-bit multimedia IC applications and finds a roadmap for the next new products positioning and technology development. Hopefully, through this thesis enterprises can 财ABSTRACT In the global digital electronics industry where competition is fierce, the systematic development of knowledge and skills for creative needs is more urgent for innovative products. With digital electronics products’ increasingly short life cycle, consumers demand more and more diversified products. Whether a product is discontinued, or whether it is further more innovatively developed, informed decisions must be made on insight into consumer psychology to develop innovative products to meet market demand. In the face of the rapidly changing challenges and opportunities in the development of global information communications and security surveillance technology, business enterprises are striving for innovation and breakthroughs in the research and development process. Each decision may create a critical error and waste R&D resources, therefore excluding the product from the market. To avoid this key error in the innovation R&D, we must utilize a systematic and tactical evaluation process. In order to find the decisive key factors for product innovation, we have to estimate and choose processes with the best potential for the market. The importance of corporate product planning is like setting the course for ships at sea. “If the bow of the ship is pointed in the wrong direction, the course set is useless no matter how hard you work” ~ Dr. Kenichi Ohmae 1989. Product development is the most difficult challenge similar to how a ship in the open sea must find the right direction. This direction can take the ship to hit an iceberg or a hidden reef or safely to its destination. Each captain’s mission is to make the ship eventually reach the company's Treasure Island. The capacity and resources of a company determine its value in terms of cost and user recognition advantage; therefore, it is essential to be better than the competition in the flexible use of external resources and core competencies. These resources in the industry and the necessity to lessen the distance between the cost and user recognition advantage are more likely to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage and access to excess profits The key to product success derives from both from the market and the fit of the technology. We would think that this combination would lead to a successful product, however in some cases it can create barriers to strategy implementation. Consequently, sound business strategy must focus on how to effectively integrate market demand and the core value advantage in the market to succeed. With the digital wave sweeping across the world, broadband, wireless networks, and multimedia technologies have matured into fully integrated acceleration 4C industries. As digital information and media developed, the past family tradition of consumer electronics products and safety monitoring system has changed. The related electronic products are now emerging in the direction of multi-functional integration, and gradually have home networking functionality. Because of the step by step building of the digital home interoperability platform, smart home industry has formally entered into its initial stage. Additionally, the world's major manufacturers have been driven to strategically improve their products step by step. Leaders in the smart home industry who compete with each other to reach the next target will become the world's leading manufacturers. In the past, our phone, PC, Netcom, panels and other related industries’ successful experience has resulted from deep plowing over the years based on high technology. At the beginning of this century it is hard to see huge business opportunities. In particular, it is imperative that Taiwan's IC design companies find out how to retain their competitive advantage. Coincidentally, the governments of the world are actively planning and promoting the digital home industry. Domestic and foreign manufacturers have the opportunity to climb to the top. The T-Plan model assists an IC design company plan how to stay competitive in an industry with rapid changes in the environment, find the next new product positioning, and aids in the development of a roadmap for technology development. Michael E. Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis” analyzes the company's external competitive environment and opportunities. According to “Resources, the basic theory through understanding the company's core competitive advantage” through competitive advantage analysis, we can identify the key success factors and development strategies for future development of Taiwan's IC design industry. In this thesis, an IC design company is a case study on how to use the T-Plan model. It explains the transition of the highly competitive and mature technology from the 8-bit voice IC products to 32-bit multimedia IC applications and finds a roadmap for the next new products positioning and technology development. Hopefully, through this thesis enterprises can learn to make effective use of unique internal resources and capabilities to understand the external competitive environment, through strategic technology roadmap come to understand the technical gap between enterprise development, to find the best strategy for the future development of enterprises, to strengthen the resilience of enterprise development strategies, develop sustainable business model innovations, keep abreast of market needs and trends, and new products to market timing, make effective integration and use of internal and external resources to ensure that enterprises operating performance, and strengthen business R&D department staff communication, so that R&D to develop products to meet market expectations. Cross-strait economic and trade cooperation and proper use of the advantages of government policies, and innovative business model create a different foreign competition strategy.




1. 以資源基礎理論探討持久競爭優勢形成之因素,以「ePaper 電子報聯盟」為例,作者李佳純
2. 何謂藍海策略,http://cooliceyoyo.myweb.hinet.net/econ3/whatisbos.htm
3. 2009年全球半導體市場回顧與展望: 工研院IEK產經中心半導體分析師陳玠瑋,2010/04/21
4. IC設計產業回顧與展望: 工研院IEK 李冠樺 2009/12/08


