  • 學位論文

各類改善管理活動之推行與企業營運之關係探討- 以ODM網通製造廠為例

The Relationships between Management Tools and Business Operations - The Case Study of Netcom ODM Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳光辰


在全球市場一片不景氣的聲浪中,『改善』儼然變成提升企業競爭力的利基了,為了使企業保有優勢,不斷的推出新產品以吸引客戶,並與競爭者間形成差異性已是刻不容緩之事,然而企業內部之改善也不容稍歇,所以對於企業而言,藉由各種改善管理活動專案使企業內部完成改造,唯有不斷的企業再造,方能使企業更具彈性、更能因應大環境衝擊,於一片不景氣中繼續紮根生長。 企業的改善管理活動中最常聽到的就是QCC品管圈,除此之外企業還有導入其他改善管理活動嗎?本研究希望探討眾多管理手法於個案公司中之運用成效,並從『企業文化─管理活動』、『主管態度』、『員工心態─改善活動自我評量』、『學習與成長』等面向進行問卷調查,進而分析『改善管理活動類型越多就越好』的真實性。 本研究將藉由文獻探討、研究問卷調查,經由案例公司實證之分析,佐以營運績效指標,以提供相關高科技製造業找出適用於自己公司文化的改善管理活動推行方法,發展出自己公司的改善管理活動計畫,以提升企業經營競爭力之參考。


While global market downturn, "Improvement" seems to become niche to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, in order to enable enterprises to maintain superiority, the constant introduction of new products to attract customers, and the formation of a difference between competitors is imperative things, however, the internal improvement cannot be stops, for businesses, the enterprise internal management activities by improvement project to complete the transformation, only continuous reengineering business process can be more flexible, more responsive to the impact of the environment, and continues growth during the economic downturn. Enterprise management activities is the most commonly heard QCC Quality Control Circle, in addition to enterprises also import other management activities it? This research is to explore the effectiveness of the use of a number of management practices in the case company, and from "corporate culture - management activities", "competent attitude ", " employee mentality- improvement activities self-assessment ", " learning and growth " oriented questionnaire, and then analyze the authenticity of the "management tools, more is better ". The study will through literature research and questionnaire survey, via the case company empirical analysis, accompanied by indicators of operating performance, to provide high-tech manufacturing to identify the management activities methodology which applicable of their own company culture, and to develop their own management activities plan of the company, to enhance the business competitiveness's reference.




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