  • 學位論文

當技術思維遇上美國訴訟: 廣明光電與惠普反壟斷訴訟之商業啟示

When Engineers Meet Lawyers: The Case of Quanta Storage vs. HP

指導教授 : 李傳楷


光碟機產業(ODD)是台灣主要的出口行業之一。雖然台灣的ODD工業製造商目前在世界上處於領先地位,但在競爭激烈的全球市場中,仍需要關注多方面議題,尤其對於想進軍美國市場來做長期經營目標的台灣公司來說,台灣公司在美國市場中的生存狀況就更加的需要多方關注。 惠普(HP)與廣明光電(Quanta Storage)之間的漫長的反壟斷訴訟,受到了學術界、產業界的廣泛關注。與惠普在同一起案件中應訴的其他被告企業相比,廣明在該反壟斷訴訟中採取的因應措施大相徑庭。本研究意在探討廣明的決策行為,從起初決定不尋求與惠普庭外和解並決定與惠普進行漫長的纏訟,但最終又決定和解的過程中,各階段所採舉的決策行為是建立在怎樣的邏輯上。在此基礎上,本研究也進一步分析台灣公司和美國公司在處理美國訴訟時的不同思維邏輯。 本文以廣明與惠普的反壟斷訴訟為例,研究目的包括:分析廣明在該訴訟脈絡下所採取的因應行動的邏輯; 歸納台灣企業應從惠普與廣明個案中學到的經驗教訓;探討台灣企業在面對美國訴訟時應如何因應。透過蒐集與廣明個案有關的初級資料和次級資料,本文採用話語分析,法律文本分析來分析研究資料,並發現廣明應對美國訴訟的邏輯包含以下重點:領導者意志為優先;發生事實更重於法律程序;工程師的技術思維在法律訴訟中占居主導地位。


The optical disc drive industry is currently one of the major export industries in Taiwan. However, even though Taiwan’s ODD industry manufacturers are having the leading positions in the world right now, there are still many points need to be concerned in this competitive market, especially for the Taiwanese companies that are planning to have development in US market as long-term goal. The lawsuit between HP and Quanta Storage has drawn a lot of attention during its long litigation period. It is obvious that Quanta Storage has taken very dissimilar responsive actions in the antitrust litigation compared with other defendants sued by HP in the same cause of the case. This somehow became the motivation of this thesis to explore why Quanta Storage decides not to reach an out-of-court settlement as a business firm, and what’s the logic of Quanta Storage in the serial litigation with HP. Furthermore, the thesis may summarize the articles in the different logic between Taiwanese Firms and US Firms when dealing with US lawsuits. The paper aims to employ Quanta Storage as a case to (a) explain the logic of Quanta Storage’s action in the litigation context; (b) summarize lessons learnt form HP vs. Quanta Storage case; (c) explore how Taiwanese firms should react when facing US litigation. By collecting primary and secondary data related to the Quanta’s case, the paper employs discourse analysis also doctrinal analysis to investigate the data, and finds that Quanta’s logic in coping with US litigation comprises: (a) The will of the leader is the most important rule (b) Facts are more important than procedures (c) Engineers’ technical thoughts dominate legal proceedings.


Quanta US litigation logic of action Taiwanese firm


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