  • 學位論文

以科技接受模式探討行動醫療APP使用意願之研究 -以台灣海外就業人士為例

The Study on Acceptance Attitude to Mobile Health APP by TAM Model : Taking Taiwan employees working overseas as an example

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


台灣醫療照護系統排名世界第二(CEOWORLD 2021),而醫師的人才培養都是萬中選一的頂尖人才,結合台灣高科技產業,臺灣應可以積極發展國際醫療市場。台灣人在海外就業人口根據主計處最新統計有高達73.9萬人,其中多以中國大陸及東南亞地區為主,而這些地區醫療比臺灣落後,經濟成長率卻是發展快速的新興國家,正好可以將台灣優質醫療技術往外輸出賺取外匯或是往內發展國際觀光醫療,這批73.9萬人的台灣海外就業人士就是一個很好的宣傳行銷管道;同時台灣人在海外工作有就醫需求時,對當地的醫療並不孰悉也較不安心,若能由台灣醫師先做線上諮詢,對於病人心裡及實際照護上都是相對安心有保障。隨著智慧醫療的發展,以及目前COVID19疫情肆虐,人們越來越能接受智慧醫療的模式,其中又以行動醫療發展最為迅速。本研究即以行動醫療app作為研究主題,從行銷的觀點,運用Davis(1989)提出的科技接受模式(TAM)理論為基礎,並以知覺風險作為外部因素探討這批海外就業人士的使用意願。 透過208份問卷分析研究結果發現中國大陸及東南亞的海外就業人士比在東北亞的人有更高的使用意願;而海外就業人士對行動醫療APP的知覺有用性偏低,建議可加入家庭醫師設計透過醫師推薦提高行動醫療App的有用性。而知覺易用性對使用意願無顯著影響。知覺有用性對使用意願有較顯著影響,同時降低使用者知覺風險以提升使用意願。建議行動醫療APP的業者針對使用者所擔心的隱私風險加以改善,盡量避免索取過多個人資料,並在隱私權政策,服務條款清楚說明對使用者的隱私保護之方式,以降低使用者之疑慮。


Taiwan's medical care system ranks second in the world(CEOWORLD 2021), and the doctors are top talents selected from a million. Combining high-tech industries, Taiwan should be able to actively develop the international medical market. According to the latest statistics from the Department of Accounting and Statistics, the number of Taiwanese employed overseas is 739,000 people. Most of them are mainly in mainland China and Southeast Asia. Emerging countries where medical care is lagging behind Taiwan and whose economic growth rates are developing rapidly. We can use this advantage to export high-quality medical technology abroad to earn foreign exchange or develop international tourism and medical treatment inbound, these 739,000 Taiwanese overseas employees would be the best channel for promotion and marketing; at the same time, when Taiwanese work overseas and have medical needs, they can contact Taiwanese doctors for online consultation first, it will be relatively safe and secure for the patient's actual care. With the development of mobile health and the current raging COVID19 epidemic, the more people are able to accept the mobile health, and the mobile health has developed the fastest. This research takes the mobile medical apps as the research theme, uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) theory proposed by Davis (1989) as the basis, and uses perceived risk as an external factor to explore the willingness of these overseas employees to use it. The study found that overseas employees in mainland China and Southeast Asia have a higher willingness to use them than those in Northeast Asia; while overseas employees have low perceived usefulness of mobile health apps, and perceived risks have a negative impact on the perceived usefulness of users. Significant impact, it is recommended to add family physician design to improve the usefulness of mobile health through family doctors recommendation. At the same time, the user's perceived risk is reduced to increase the willingness to use. It is recommended that mobile health APP operators make improvements in response to the risks that users worry about. For example, try to avoid requesting too much personal information, and in the privacy policy, the terms of service clearly state the way to protect the user's privacy, so as to reduce the user's doubts.


1. 中華民國統計資訊網:108年國人赴海外工作人數統計結果 https://www.stat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=46643&ctNode=2291&mp=4
2. CEOWORLD Magazine, Countries with the Best Health Care Systems,2021
3. 衛生福利部國際醫療網站;醫療、生活品質超圈粉,台灣連續3年奪旅外人士最愛去處No.1
