  • 學位論文


Inducing Semantic Categories of Arguments of Grammar Patterns

指導教授 : 張俊盛


本論文提出一個透過Collins COBUILD的文法規則推導名詞參數的語義分類的方法,以協助英語學習者在寫作過程獲得文法規則相關的提示。 我們將文法規則轉換成語料搜尋引擎的查詢式並檢索N-gram,再透過WordNet取得名詞參數之岐義資訊,計算文法規則之名詞參數 語料搜索引擎的N-gram與WordNet的詞義為每個文法規則的名詞參數產生語義分類。 此方法涉及把文法規則轉換成語料搜尋引撆的查詢式、檢索N-gram與詞義、篩選候選字,以及透過演算法計算分數。 我們提出了一個寫作輔助系統Composer,把此方法應用在Collins COBUILD文法規則及Google Web 1T語料上。 實驗結果顯示,本系統能推導出有效且對學習者有用的語義及文法資訊。


語義分類 文法規則


This paper describes a method for deriving semantic categories for noun argument in a given grammar pattern of a head word. In our approach, we use ngrams retrieved from Web-scale ngram and WordNet supersenses to generates all possible candidates. The method involves converting the grammar pattern into an effective regular expression query, retrieving ngrams from the given grams, generates and sense disambiguating norminal argument. We present a prototype system, Composer that applies the proposed method to a set of manually compiled grammar patterns and Google Web 1T. The preliminary evaluation shows the system derives reasonably well semantics categories, which are useful for learning vocabulary and grammar.


Grammar Pattern Semantic Category


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