  • 學位論文


An Research of Learning Effect on Applying Dalcroze Eurhythmics to the Recorder Teaching of the Third-grade Elementary school

指導教授 : 陳孟亨


本研究目的旨以行動研究法探究達克羅士音樂教學法融入國小三年級直笛教學,包含音樂節奏律動、音感訓練、即興創作之課程設計與實施過程,期間所遭遇之教學困境與因應之道,以及學生學習成效。研究分為兩階段實施,共計十二堂課程設計,完成六首直笛曲教學。 本研究以研究者擔任音樂教師的新竹縣國小一班三年級學生為研究對象,共26 人。研究資料包括:專家課堂觀察紀錄表、教師省思日誌、學生音樂日誌、訪談紀錄、音樂能力前後測。每節課堂皆以錄影記錄,提供研究者進行後續課程省思和專家進行討論回饋,其中量化資料使用成對樣本 t 考驗描述分析之數據,並獲得以下結論: 一、達克羅士音樂教學法融入於國小三年級直笛教學課程,對於學童節奏能力之提升確實有所助益,音樂能力測驗共六項,其中節奏創作、節奏練習、曲調聽奏和曲調接龍四項表現有顯著提升。 二、本研究學生之回饋為學習過程很有趣、開心,不但更有參與感,還可以學習到不同的音樂元素;觀課教師認為教學時間安排上,教師宜小步驟教學,較能掌握教學時間,在教學專業上,教師宜多精進達克羅士專業知能,增進教學技巧,較能掌握各種教學狀況。 三、本研究課程實施中所遇到之教學困境主要為二方面:教學時間安排困難、教學空間使用不便,唯透過教師不斷的自我成長再進修與提升教學能力可解決所面臨之困境。


The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome of applying Dalcroze Eurhythmics to the Recorder Teaching with the Third-grade Elementary school. The researcher designed a Dalcroze Approach-- oriented curriculum based on the eurhythmics, solfège and improvisation. The study was designed to be a two-phase action research by teaching six recorder etudes in twelve courses to fint out remedies to dilemmas encountered by the researcher. Student’s learning outcome in eurhythmics and solfège were also examined. The subjects were a class of thirth grade students (N=26) in an elementary school in Hsinchu, Taiwan where the researcher holds a position as the music teacher. The Data of the study included: observation charts of the Dalcroze experts, reflective journals of the researcher, students’ feedback journals, students’ interview records, and the music ability tests given to the students before and after the curriculums. Each class was video recorded for the purpose of future reflection from the researcher’s perspective and also the feedback from the experts. Quantitative data used paired t-test to describe the analyzed data. Conclusions were as follow: 1. While applying Dalcroze Eurhythmics to the Recorder Teaching in the curriculum, the rhythm ability of the third grade students in the elementary school were noticeably increased. Four out of the six musical-ability tests, including rhythm creation, rhythm practice, melody listening and melody response, had been significantly improved. 2. In the study, the feedback from the students implied that the learning process was fun and enjoyable. The students not only participated more but also learnt different musical elements. Observative teachers in the classroom believe that teachers should teach in small steps in order to manage the teaching schedule in a better time frame. In the teaching profession, teachers should enhance their Dalcroze professional knowledge and abilities and improve their teaching skills, so that they can respond quickly to various teaching scenarios. 3. In the study, the researcher encountered two main teaching challenges: the first one was the difficulty of arranging teaching schedules, and the other was the inconvenience of using the teaching space. Only through the teacher’s self-development with further study and continuous improvement of teaching skills can the dilemma be solved.


王克先 (1992)。教育心理學。台北市:桂冠圖書公司

