  • 學位論文

碳鍊取代基[7]菲烯 表面研究

3,12-ditetradecyl[7]Phenacene on Au(111)

指導教授 : 霍夫曼


由有機材料所製成的場效電晶體擁有許多的優勢: 較輕、具有彈性、成本較低...等。為了提升分子之間的接觸面積我們嘗試在[7]Phenacene 的兩側接上長碳鍊,藉由穿隧式掃描電子顯微鏡描繪分子排列形狀以及分子清晰結構,我們在室溫的環境下使用蒸鍍的方式鍍上分子,並將樣品放置在液態氮77K的環境下進行實驗。我們發現(C14H29)2-[7]phenacene 其碳鍊並不是固定的,而第二層的排列方式與第一層大致相同,但是在掃圖上可能因為第二層的[7]phenacene 不是平躺的關係,所以較難獲得穩定分子。此外我們也利用穿隧式掃描光譜法分別量測分子不同部分的電子特性,並且與先前的類似分子作比較,得到了大致相同的能帶間隙。


The fabrication of field-effect transistors from organic materials (OFET) has significant benefits: low weight, mechanical flexibility, low cost. The application of [5-11]Phenacenes – chemically more stable than the related pentacene – demonstrated excellent performance in proto-type FETs. To increase the molecular surface area and thereby the intermolecular conductivity, [7]Phenacenes are extended by elongated alkyl chains. Here, we address in STM, STS experiments the growth and electronic properties of respective Alkyl-Substituted [7]Phenacenes on Au(111). Molecules are prepared by thermal deposition. We observe that the angle between the alkyl and the Phenacene is not fixed but different well ordered 2D structures for the 1st and 2nd layer can be identified. We will discuss the resulting structures and spectroscopy data, which are in agreement with complementary techniques and similar to the unsubstituted Phenacenes.


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