  • 學位論文


Computer-Assisted Phrase Learning: From Formulaic Sequences to Paraphrases

指導教授 : 張俊盛 劉顯親


英語學習者長年投入大量的時間和精力學習,然而,於寫作或口說時,常遇到不知如何使用所學字彙的窘境。學習者的英語一直無法進階主因之一是停留在單一字詞之記憶。以單字為單位的教與學,常不強調上下文,也容易忽略語用的訊息。因此,許多研究者提倡以片語為重點來學習英語,可有效提升學習者語用能力,進而達到母語人士的流暢度。 片語學習可從兩方面進行:詞彙短語 (formulaic language) 與代換片語 (paraphrases)。詞彙短語包含實詞 (content words) 及虛詞 (function words),可傳達豐富的語用訊息,也是真實世界中英語的用法。相較於孤立單字的組合,詞彙短語較能貼近母語人士的表達方式。另一方面,代換片語為一組同義,但用法不盡相同的詞彙短語;透過學習代換片語,英語學習者較能全面了解片語的變化,而熟練使用不同的方式表達訊息。 目前關於片語學習的教材及輔助工具仍嫌不足,而電腦科技可以協助補足此一缺憾。因此,本論文結合資訊科技技術與語言學習兩個領域探討電腦輔助片語學習。本論文利用自然語言處理技術〈例如:機器翻譯、原形化、詞性標記、片語抽取等技術〉發展兩個學習輔助系統GRASP 及PREFER,以幫助詞彙短語及代換片語學習。相較於傳統的輔助工具〈例如: 電子字典、同義詞字典〉,此二系統,在功能面,可接受多字輸入,快速有效尋找所查詢的詞彙短語或代換片語。在資料面,系統產生的詞彙短語與代換片語皆包含句型及例句,可提供學習者了解各片語的用法。更重要的是,相較於傳統語料庫關鍵字索引Concordancers,呈現大量語料給使用者自行歸納句型及用法;此兩個系統皆自動歸納所產生的詞彙短語及代換片語相關資訊。這體現了資料導向學習 Data-driven Learning,對學習者提供了更直接有效的幫助。 為進一步了解GRASP與PREFER是否對英語學習者的幫助,我們設計了完成句子測驗及短句改寫測驗題目,並安排兩百位大一學生參與實驗。實驗結果顯示,使用兩系統的學生,在詞彙短語及代換片語測驗,皆有明顯的進步;而且語言程度較弱的學生,進步幅度更大。另外,學生在問卷中也表示對兩系統的肯定。 簡而言之,電腦輔助片語學習對於語言學習是有顯著的幫助。本論文中所開發的輔助工具補足了現有工具在功能及所提供的資訊之不足,可直接並具體協助學習者學習詞彙短語及代換片語。透過電腦輔助片語學習,對於學習並運用真實的英語,可收事半功倍之效。


English learners have difficulties using appropriate word combinations in language production even after they have devoted considerable time to recognizing and memorizing a large inventory of words. Since primarily this is because they have learned words in isolation rather than in context, this study instead promotes the development of phrasal knowledge. Specifically we focus on facilitating learners’ fluent language production in two aspects: formulaic expressions and paraphrases. The lexical items of a formulaic sequence tend to form a fixed pattern to carry out language functions which contribute to language use. Paraphrases are formulaic sequences sharing similar meaning but various usages. Grouping and learning such sequences effectively and systematically facilitates fluent language use. To achieve this goal, we have utilized natural language processing techniques to develop two computer-assisted phrase learning systems: GRASP and PREFER. These were designed to promote formulaic sequence learning and paraphrase learning, aimed at providing immediate and comprehensive assistance to learners and helping them develop productive competence for speaking and writing, instead of passively recognizing text meaning only. With both tools, users can input multi-word querying to find their desired phrases. The systems also provide syntactic patterns, usage information and example sentences to illustrate real world language use. Most importantly, these systems summarize usage information, unlike existing concordancers which display many exeample sentences. In other words, learners do not have to duduce the usages of the formulaic expressions and paraphrases when using GRASP and PREFER. Automatic summarization from language data lends support to the idea of data-driven learning (DDL). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of these two systems, we designed pre-test and post-test assessment to compare participants’ performance on a sentence composition task and a paragraph paraphrasing task. The results indicate that students showed significant improvement using both GRASP and PREFER.


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