  • 學位論文


Beginning of My Life Vocation: A Case Study of UNIQLO

指導教授 : 黎正中


UNIQLO的紅色旋風,以日本為中心,吹向全世界。在2010年UNIQLO首家台灣門市開業前,UNIQLO在台灣就已經是小有名氣的服裝品牌,台灣首家分店的開幕日門庭若市,顧客大排長龍,引發一陣購買熱潮。如今的UNIQLO已經成為亞洲第一、世界第四的平價服飾品牌,其創辦人柳井正是幕後最大的推手,也是這家企業的中流砥柱,究竟柳井正是怎麼做的?讓UNIQLO從一個名不見經傳的地方小店,在三十年過後,成長為國際連鎖服裝品牌。另一方面,拜科技進步所賜,創業不再是一件困難的事,人人都有機會實現自己的「創業夢」,但是在創業之後呢?如何能夠持續經營才是真正的考驗。而柳井正的經營之道與UNIQLO的發展歷程,就提供了參考價值。 本研究以詮釋型個案討論UNIQLO、迅銷集團創辦人柳井正,從創立UNIQLO之初,在他的帶領之下,一路發展到當今世界第四平價服裝品牌的案例。使用時間序列分析中的編年表,探討UNIQLO發展歷程中,事件的前因後果,及柳井正的經營理念所帶來的影響。再加上研讀相關書籍、大量蒐集相關資訊,透過文獻分析、文本分析來了解柳井正的創業家個人特質、創業精神、經營之道,以及他所帶給UNIQLO的願景、創新與創業精神。 柳井正與UNIQLO現在的成就,是經歷過許多次的失敗,從失敗經驗中學習而孕育出的成功胚芽。柳井正的經營之道是UNIQLO永續經營的關鍵要素之一。除此之外,柳井正的理念,其實不只適用在企業的經營管理,若能取其精髓融會貫通,便會發現這些道理在其他領域上也是如此,若是加以應用,甚至可以為人生的旅途帶來助力。在本研究結論中,便將柳井正的經營理念應用在「教育」議題上延伸思考。


柳井正 UNIQLO 創業精神 經營理念


UNIQLO is the world’s fourth global brand of fair price clothing now, and they are still ongoing efforts for reaching “Global one”. Tadashi Yanai, who is founder of UNIQLO and Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., played a key role for today's achievement of UNIQLO. How did Tadashi Yanai make it happened? On the other hand, the advancement of science and technology gives everyone the opportunity to started own business. Venture is no longer a difficult task. However, the real test is how could corporate operate sustainably. Therefore, Tadashi Yanai’s philosophy and the development process of UNIQO provide valuable reference. In addition to understanding Tadashi Yanai’s personality traits, entrepreneurship, and philosophy, this study wants to investigate the vision and entrepreneurship of UNIQLO, which Tadashi Yanai set. The “story” of Tadashi Yanai and UNIQLO could provide valuable reference about management. Tadashi Yanai and UNIQLO earned today’s achievement from repeated failure. And the development of UNIQLO related to Tadashi Yanai’s philosophy closely. Furthermore, Tadashi Yanai’s philosophy is applicable not only to management but also to other subjects. In the conclusion of this study applied Tadashi Yanai’s philosophy to education issue.




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