  • 學位論文


The Influences of Positive & Negative Learning Experiences on Academic Frustration Tolerance and Academic Score for senior high school students.

指導教授 : 黃囇莉


本文試圖探討學習正向經驗、學習負向經驗、時間速度感、時間觀、角色義務、社會取向與個我取向成就動機、回味思考、功能性反芻思考、苦惱自責式反芻思考、學業挫折容忍力(AFT)與學習成績的關係。研究目的有以下4點:(a)分析學習的正向經驗與負向經驗對學業挫折容忍力的影響;(b)找出學業挫折容忍力與成績的關係;(c)從理論提到的相關變項中,找到能完全中介以上預測效果的變項並檢驗其中介效果;(d)了解正負經驗對學業挫折容忍力的預測中,反芻與回味思考是否能有調節效果。 本研究使用問卷調查法,受試者為310名(153名男生,156名女生)台灣新竹縣市及台北市的高中生,平均年齡為16.37歲(SD = 0.5)。首先探索高中生與學習相關的正負向經驗內涵,將之修訂為學習正向經驗量表與學習負向經驗量表,此研究也將面子概念融入,修訂為學業挫折容忍力量表;研究中使用的其他研究工具為時間速度感量表、時間觀量表、角色義務量表、社會取向成就動機量表、個我取向成就動機量表、回味思考量表、功能性反芻思考量表、苦惱自責式反芻思考量表,並以學生自陳的學期分數作為學業成績。 分析方式為獨立樣本T檢定、多變量變異數分析、皮爾森績差相關與多元迴歸分析。研究者以所屬學校入學PR值為基準將學生分為三組;當進行多元迴歸分析時,因預測高PR組、中PR組以及低PR組的資料會因學校等級不同而呈現不同模式的預測效果,將三組各別分析再加以比較。 研究發現如下:(一)在高PR組負向經驗與正向經驗均可顯著預測挫折容忍力,中PR組負向經驗可顯著預測挫折容忍力,低PR組正向經驗可顯著預測挫折容忍力;(二)在所有樣本中,功能性反芻思考能正向影響高中生的挫折容忍力,ZTPI的「未來正面」與「未來負面」對挫折容忍力能夠顯著預測;(三)惟高PR組中,角色義務可預測挫折容忍力;高PR組與中PR組中,個我取向成就動機可預測挫折容忍力;在中PR組與低PR組,回味思考可預測挫折容忍力;(四)可預測成績的變項:高PR組中的挫折容忍力,中PR組中的角色義務,低PR組中的時間速度感與負面情緒;(五)在所有樣本中,社會取向成就動機都無法預測學業挫折容忍力及成績;(六)在高PR組,功能性反芻思考、個我取向成就動機及角色義務能完全中介學習正向經驗對學業挫折容忍力的預測;(七)學業挫折容忍力的「積極行動」取向完全中介了「學業復原力」取向及「挑戰困難」取向對成績的預測效果。低PR組的時間速度感完全中介了挫折容忍力對成績的預測效果。 最後總結上述研究結果,討論研究限制與可能的未來研究走向,並對教學與學生提出參考建議。


This study investigated the relationships among positive learning experiences (PLEs), frustrating learning experiences (FLEs), speed of time, the Zimbardo time perspective, role obligation, social oriented achievement motivation (SOAM), individual oriented achievement motivation (IOAM), savoring, instrumental rumination, brooding rumination, bad mood after poor performance, academic frustration tolerance (AFT), and scores. This study analyzed the influence of PLEs and FLEs on AFT, explored the relationship between AFT and scores, examined numerous potential mediating riables suggested in the literature, and determined how experiences influence AFT, when rumination or savoring moderate the relationship. A questionnaire survey was conducted. A total of 310 high- school sophomores (153 boys and 156 girls) with an average age of 16.37 years were sampled from 5 senior high schools in Hsinchu County and Taipei City, Taiwan. First, I examined the PLEs and FLEs of 110 senior high school students and then incorporated the information into a PLE scale and an FLE scale. In addition, I amended the AFT scale, by incorporating the concept of face, and omitting negative mood as a variable. The other instruments used in the study were the speed of time scale, Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, role obligation scale, Social-Oriented Achievement Motivation Scale, Individual-Oriented Achievement Motivation Scale, savoring scale, instrumental rumination scale, brooding rumination scale, and a self-reported item on the students' scores during the semester. One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The participants were divided into 3 groups according to the percentile rank ratio of a high school admittance fractional line: the A-level, B-level, and C-level. In the multiple regression analysis, I predicted that patterns of A-, B-, and C-level stusents vary; thus, data on 3 groups were analyzed separately and then compared. The results of this study are summarized as follows. (a) Both PLEs and FLEs significantly predicted the AFT of A-Level students; only FLEs predicted the AFT of B-level students; and only PLEs predicted the AFT of C-level students. (b) Instrumental rumination thoughts, a future-positive time perspective, and a future-negative time perspective positively predicted the AFT of all participants. (c) Role obligation predicted the AFT of only A-Level students, IOAM positively influenced the AFT of A- and B-level students, and savoring predicted the AFT of B- and C-level students. (d) The variables predicting the scores of the A-, B-, and C-level students were AFT; role obligation; and speed of time and negative mood after poor performance, respectively. (e) SOAM exerted nearly no influence on AFT and scores. (f) Three complete mediators of the relationship between PLEs and AFT were identified in the A-level students: instrumental rumination, IOAM, and role obligation. (g) The relationship between academic resilience / challenge difficulties and scores was completely mediated by constructive action in AFT. By contrast, speed of time completely mediated the relationship between AFT and scores. The implications of the findings, limitations, and future research directions are discussed at the end of this paper.


