  • 學位論文


Study on Inductor Assistance Device Applied to Multi-Layer Coil for Improving Temperature Uniformity of Induction Heating

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


感應加熱技術為動態模溫控制技術之一,並且擁有節能、高效率等優點,隨著科技進步,感應加熱技術漸漸被廣泛應用在射出成型上,但感應加熱線圈在設計上較難避免線圈中心之低溫區,此低溫區使整體溫度均勻性降低,因此在線圈中心加入多層式線圈及導磁體提升中心溫度使溫度均勻性提高為本論文之目的。 本研究分為三個階段,第一階段分別針對多層式線圈的線圈層數、線圈內徑以及多層式線圈不同加熱間距進行中心溫度和溫度均勻性之探討,第二階段針對不同導磁體截面積和導磁體高度對於線圈中心溫度和溫度均勻性進行探討,並同時探討熱傳5秒後之結果,第三階段則是利用分析軟體對於實驗結果進行分析驗證,研究結果顯示,多層式線圈層數越多將會使中心溫度提升10.32%但溫度均勻性將降低7.31%;線圈內徑越大將會使中心溫度降低2.57%並使溫度均勻性降低1.45%;線圈距離模面越遠將會使中心溫度降低5.24%但溫度均勻性將會提升4.87%;相同的導磁體截面積隨著導磁體高度上升,中心溫度可提升7.38~39.15%,當導磁體截面積大於100mm2,隨著導磁體高度增加,溫度均勻性將會降低,反之則會升高;在相同導磁體高度下,隨著導磁體截面積增加,中心溫度會呈現一非線性趨勢,溫度均勻性隨著導磁體截面積增加,也呈現一非線性趨勢,而最佳溫度均勻性之導磁體設計組別較傳統線圈設計之溫度均勻性提升14.87%,熱傳後可提升溫度均勻性4~8%,最佳均溫組別由89.51%上升至93.65%。 利用ANSYS®軟體進行模面溫度場模擬分析,其分析與實驗結果趨勢相同,成功建立多層式線圈搭配不同導磁體設計之分析技術。


Induction heating which have advantages like energy saving and high efficiency is one of the Dynamic mold temperature control technology. As technology improves everyday, Induction heating technology is more common to be used on injection molding product. However, There is a unavoidable problem of coil design which will have obvious repulsion of the magnetic line of force at the center of coil. The repulsion of the magnetic line of force will decrease temperature uniformity. Therefore, Using multi-layer coil design with inductor assistance device(IAD) at the center of coil to improve the repulsion of the magnetic line of force for increase temperature uniformity is the purpose of this study. This study separate to three stage. At the first stage, the temperature at the center of heating surface and temperature uniformity will be test by three different multi-layer coil design. At the second stage, the temperature at the center of heating surface and temperature uniformity will be test by seven different cross section area and three different height of the inductor assistance device. At the third stage, using ANSYS® analysis software verify the experiment result at the second stage. The first stage results show that the temperature at the center of the heating surface will increase 10.32% but the temperature uniformity will decrease 7.31% when the multi-layer coil have more layer design. When the multi-layer coil have larger internal diameter, the temperature at the center of heating surface will decrease 2.57% and the temperature uniformity will also decrease 1.45%. When the distance between multi-layer coil and heating surface increase, the temperature at the center of the heating surface will decrease 5.24% but the temperature uniformity will increase 4.87%. The second stage results show that the temperature at the center of heating surface will increase 7.38~39.15% when the IAD height increase but IAD cross section area keep same. Temperature uniformity will decrease when the IAD height increases and IAD cross section area is larger than 100mm2. The temperature at the center of heating surface and temperature uniformity will show non-linear tendency when the IAD cross section area increases but IAD height keep same. The optimized IAD design can improve temperature uniformity 14.87% compared to traditional coil design. The temperature uniformity from second stage can be improved 4~8% after heat transfer 5 sec. The optimized IAD design will increase temperature uniformity from 89.51% to 93.65%. The simulation result have the same tendency with experiment result which means simulation can verify experiment result successfully by using ANSYS® analysis software.


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