  • 學位論文

協力廠商供應鏈之企業間電子化研究 ─以台灣山葉機車Vnet系統為例

The Research of Supply Chain Intranet System─for Example Taiwan YAMAHA Motor Company Vnet System

指導教授 : 林震岩


在產業快速競爭的今日,台灣在面對即將加入WTO的市場高度競爭之下必須具備「彈性」(Flexible)及「速度」(Speed)的競爭能力。而對一個企業而言,通常採購成本佔其企業所有費用的一半以上,如此複雜且高成本的採購管理流程如果可以被改善為具有高度附加價值的企業價值鏈中的一個環節,將可以提昇整體價值鏈效率,並為公司創造另一競爭優勢。本研究將由車輛產業之企業間電子化成功案例之「山葉機車協力廠商之企業間電子化」的建置切入,探討其對整體之效益,並提供給企業建置協力廠商企業間電子化時,有一明確之參考。 此論文之重要貢獻則為:(1) 深入探討個案協力廠商企業間電子化的建置,協助企業了解如何建置協力廠商企業間電子化。(2)以個案協力廠商企業間電子化之建置深入探討其管理內涵,以提供企業建置協力廠商企業間電子化之參考。(3)藉由個案企業之協力廠商內部資訊化及企業間電子化系統使用程度探討企業進行協力廠商企業間電子化所產生之效益。 此外,也建議企業在建置企業間電子化系統時需考慮到其與企業內部ERP之整合性與企業之BPR必須互相搭配,且企業間電子化系統是串接企業與供應商及客戶之資訊系統,必須考慮到整體價值鏈之最佳化,除此之外,Internet是一個開放式的平台,安全性的問題也必須是在規劃系統初期必須特別注意的;未來,以產業別成立的共同交換平台將是一大趨勢,在企業間電子化發展之時也必須保留其擴充性,標準將是一個重要的議題。


e-Procument Extranet Supply Chain


The Study is about a enterprise to establish the Extranet System about e-Procument. The process of purchase is a complex procss and spend high cost, but if we can improve the process to be one of the high-added link of the whole value chain, it may promote the entirety value-chain efficiency. This study will give a example of success case , Taiwan YAMAHA MOTOR CO.Vnet System, to confer the whole benefit of implement of Extranet about e-procument, and provide a model for reference to other enterprise. The important contribution of this paper is to thorough study the case and find the management intension of the Extranet system to provide a reference when other enterprise will establish the Extranet System. We had some survey to find some benefit form suppliers that they use the Extranet System and advance their management ability, promote their Information technology and so on. Besides, the paper also advice that Extranet must think of the Integration of ERP System and must have some BPR . The Extranet System will connect the suppliers and customers, so we must considerate the optimum of the whole Business Value Chain. By the way, Internet is a open platform, the security must be pay more attention. In the future, the vertical property exchange platform will be a trend, the Extranet System should be preserved the scalability ,the standard will be the important issue for Extranet System.


e-Procument Extranet Supply Chain


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