  • 學位論文


A Research on Key Success Factors(KFS)of Implementing Knowledge Management System(KMS)in Hi-tech Industries

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


在未來的時代裡,任何企業都須以知識為基礎來運作,並將其轉化為產品或服務,以維持組織的生存與發展。現代的企業經營者已經深切體會到,唯有建構知識管理系統才能保有其長期的競爭優勢,而建構知識管理系統的過程中,如何掌握建構的關鍵成功因素,對產業界、學術界甚至各級政府而言,都是因應新世紀來臨所需嚴肅面對的課題。 本研究依據國內外專家學者的理論基礎及相關論文文獻,再加上產業本身特性及深度訪問資深從事知識工作人員、顧問業人員意見後,彙總出建構知識管理系統的28個重要變數,再以此重要變數為問卷設計的主要內容,並以台南、新竹科學園區為主而發出242份問卷,回收有效問卷計有113份,有效回收率為47﹪。研究結果發現填答者對本研究所選取的23個建構知識管理系統 (KMS) 變數,在「公司的認知」部份均認為具有相當之重要性,依重要性排序其前四項分別為「高階主管的參與和支持」、「主管的領導及推動變革能力」、「現有科技人員之能力」、「組織內部的溝通」。其次本研究對建構KMS變數重要性的認知,進行「公司現況」與「個人期望」之間的差距分析,在顯著水準為0.05時,除「社群分享經驗與知識」、「清晰的目標導向」之外,其餘各項均達顯著差異,顯示公司在建構KMS時尚有持續提昇及改善的空間。 本研究經由因素分析(主成份分析)萃取出四項建構知識管理系統關鍵成功因素:即1)組織與人員因素;2)資訊科技資源因素;3)先導專案促動因素;與4)標準制度促動因素等。這與原先設計之架構有同亦有異,在組織人員與資訊科技資源等二個因素上,與原先設計相當一致,亦即與一般理論觀點相同,而在另二個萃取因素上則呈現出與原先設計不同的意義,這二個因素強調組織若要成功建置KMS,就必須「由組織事先推動先導專案,以便大家有所遵循」,以及「組織宜先設定相關之標準制度,能讓大家知所參考」,這二個修正因素所顯示的共同意義即在於「規避風險,趨向保守」,這是國內企業共通的文化與心態,值得參考與進一步的研究。另本研究之個案分析對台積電等五家廠商進行深度訪談,其所得結果正可修正本研究架構並深入說明之,亦可與所萃取的四項建構知識管理系統的關鍵成功因素相互印證,以提昇客觀性及加強說服力。 本研究旨在對國內高科技產業於建構知識管理系統時,提供具本土意義之可行的建議,使業者易於掌握其關鍵成功因素以達事半功倍之效益,同時建議政府主管機關給予業者必要的協助。本文之貢獻乃是能提供給高科技產業的經營者在本身資源有限之前提下,做最有效的資源配置與投入時程,以增加建構知識管理系統的成功率。


In the coming age, enterprises should operate on the basis of knowledge and transform knowledge into product or service to maintain their existence and development. Modern enterprises managers have a deep understanding that only by implementation of knowledge management system (KMS) could they lead in long-term future. Meanwhile, it is also an important issue for industries, academic institutes, and government of how to master key success factors (KSF) during the implementation of KMS. According to theoretical viewpoints, scholars’ research findings, as well as professional opinions in the related fields with domain knowledge, the researcher summarizes 28 important variables of KMS for each item when designing the questionnaire. And 242 questionnaires were sent out to survey those hi-tech enterprises, mostly located in Tainan and Shinchu Science parks (113 copies or 47% of them are valid). The analysis of this research showed that 23 KMS variables are considered significantly important, especially the company’s awareness and recognition for KMS. The previous four factors, in the sequence of importance, are “support from chief executives”, “leadership and ability to promote change of the management”, “technological competence of current staffs”, and “Intra-organizational communication.” Then the major differences between “status-quo (AS-IS)” and “personal expectation (TO-BE)” had been analyzed in this research. Almost all variables revealed significant difference except “sharing experience and knowledge within community” and “clear orientation of goal” when significance level is 0.05. Which means there is much room for further improvement when implementing KMS in practice. Four KSFs has been extracted in this research by factor analysis (principal component analysis), they are (1) supportive organization and capable people; (2) available resource of information technology; (3) need for a pilot project as a warranty; (4) need for a clear standard system to reduce risk. The previous two factors are in accordance with the original framework, however, the last two are not. This result emphasizes that if an organization wants to construct KMS successfully, top management must pay attention to do the “mentoring” job. The common meaning of these two corrected factors is “risk avoidance / conservativeness” and this is a cultural-specific phenomena in domestic enterprises. And this is worthy of further studies. Moreover, some results of case studies in this research (depth interview with 5 companies like TSMC for example) are also used to modify the original framework of research and to verify the 4 KSFs so as to make the research outcomes more objective as well as persuasive. The purpose of this research is to provide feasible suggestions to domestic hi-tech industries so that they could construct KMS in an effective and efficient way. Some supportive policies from the government organizations are suggested as well. Finally, the anticipated contribution of this research is to help executives in hi-tech field to make the optimal decision when facing scarce resources, and hopefully to increase the possibility of success of KMS.


Aakers, D. A. (1995),” Strategic Market Management, 4 ed.” New Yord: John Wiley & Sons.


