  • 學位論文


The Study of Corporate Environmental Strategies and Environmental Performance based on Taiwan Firms

指導教授 : 謝龍發


論文摘要 有關環境的保護和發展逐漸受到高度的重視,使得環境保護的法規日趨嚴格、人類也意識到環境保護的重要性。因此,現在企業的經營再也不能忽視環境保護的問題。所以企業應將環保問題納入企業整體策略的考量之中,不再視自然環境為外部的影響。企業應把環境保護視為本身的使命,進而發展成為一種競爭優勢。 企業採行環保創新技術,不僅可減少對環境的衝擊與危害,更可降低成本,提升產品競爭力、及增加企業形象。因此本研究旨在探討企業的環保策略與環保創新技術的採行,再加上環保創新技術的資源投入組合,分析其對企業環保績效所造成的影響。 在本研究中以國內前六百大製造業為研究對象,共寄出600份問卷,回收有效問卷144份,經由統計方法整理後,歸納出數點重要的實證結論如下: 1. 研究結果顯示表示不同的企業環保策略會採行不同的環保創新技術類型,表示本研究的主要論點獲得支持。 2. 不同的企業環保策略,在環保創新技術的資源投入組合上有顯著的差異存在。 3. 企業採行不同的環保創新技術時,在企業環保績效上有顯著的差異存在。 4. 企業採取不同的環保創新技術配合不同的環保創新技術的資源投入組合,其企業環保績效有顯著差異。


ABSTRACT Environmental issues and trends have become more and more important to the corporate, and they are gradually integrated into corporate strategies. The corporate should treat environmental protection as his mission to turn into an advantage of competition. This study examines with an empirical analysis on corporate environmental strategy, technology of environmental innovation and corporate environmental performance. After reviewing the preview environmental literature, we propose five main hypothesis. The study mailed questionnaires to investigate enterprises listed in Common Wealth Magazine 2001, including top 600 in manufacturing industry. Collected copies are 144. Effective rate of collection is 24%. Major findings are: 1. The research results reveal that different types of environmental strategy will adopt different technology of environmental innovation. And that is also the main idea of this research. 2. There is significant difference in different types of environmental strategy that will have different technology portfolio of environmental innovation. 3. There is significant difference in different types of technology of environmental innovation that will have different environmental performance. 4. There is significant difference in environmental performance that the different types of technology of environmental innovation match with the different technology portfolio of environmental innovation.


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