  • 學位論文


The Development and Application of an Operation Scheduling System

指導教授 : 陳建良


摘要 排程問題的研究在學術及產業界皆為重要的領域,但是學術研究之理論往往無法在產業界施行,最主要的原因為學術界所假設的排程環境並不像產業界那樣的複雜,再加上產業界不確定的因素太多,造成學術界所提的理論無法完全為業界所接受,亦無法真正解決業界諸多的限制。 本研究發展一套針對塑膠地磚生產之自動化排程系統(Tile Automatic Scheduling System, TASS),就是以自動化的排程,有效掌控瓶頸站生產次序與產能。系統所需之訂單交期資訊來自於主生產排程系統的規劃,生產線上之在製品(Work-In-Process)資訊則是由現場監控(Shop Floor Control, SFC)系統取得之。TASS運用前推排程的邏輯,由現在時間點(Time Now)往交期(Due Date)安排第一站至最末一站之排程;而物料到達時間即為該訂單於該站之最早可開始加工時間。排程演算法是針對塑膠地磚業特有的問題限制加以發展,主要是將訂單先分配至生產線,再決定各線生產之訂單順序,以有限產能規劃(Finite Capacity Requirement Planning)方式估算合理化之交期,期望提供廠商準確的交期預估並能快速回應客戶。 所發展之演算法考慮多項實用之排程特性。以Visual Basic為軟體開發工具,發展一套排程軟體的雛形;SQL Server為系統資料庫進行TASS之開發,並根據工業界實際的資料以驗證本排程演算法,使公司快速提供客戶訂單交期預估,達到快速回應的要求,藉以提昇企業整體競爭力。 關鍵詞:自動化排程系統、前推排程、交期預估


Abstract Scheduling research is important in both academia and industry. Unfortunately, in general, theoretical scheduling research cannot apply to industrial scheduling problems. Theoretical research makes over-simplified assumptions that cannot reflect realistic scheduling constraints and develops over-complicated algorithms that are difficult to implement. This research develops a Tile Automatic Scheduling System (TASS) to solve an industrial scheduling problem in plastic tile manufacturers. The information of order due date is accessed from Master Production Scheduling System, and the information of Work-in-Process is accessed from Shop Floor Control System. TASS adopts a forward scheduling logic to develop a schedule from the first workstation to the last workstation and from current time to due date. Material ready time is treated as the earliest time to use the finite equipment capacity for a specific order. The scheduling approach first assigns orders to different production lines and then determines the sequence of orders at each line. A prototype scheduling software is developed using Visual Basic and SQL Server. Industrial data are used to test the performance of the scheduling algorithm. Production controller can use TASS to estimate order due date effectively and efficiently. Keywords : Automatic Scheduling System, Forward Scheduling, Due Date


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