  • 學位論文


A Study on the "Foreign Settlements" in Taiwan during the Japanese Governance

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


1858(清咸豐8)年,清朝與西方各國簽訂「天津條約」後,臺灣適合做為東南亞國際貿易轉運站的地理條件便吸引西方人循著荷蘭人、西班牙人的足跡來臺,在荷西兩世紀前建立貿易站的相同港口上再次設立商行、領事館及傳教堂。當臺灣、澎湖兩島因馬關條約而成為日本第一個殖民地後,日本內閣及臺灣總督府對清廷與西方各國所簽訂的「天津條約」仍然承認其效力,並允許與日本締結盟約之西方各國臣民繼續在臺居住、貿易及傳教,但為了方便管理及限制外國人活動,日本政府依據「天津條約」以及當時外國人的活動範圍,於基隆、淡水、大稻埕、高雄、臺南及安平等處折衷定出「外國人雜居地」之空間範圍,並於1897(明治32)年4月21日公佈,自此臺灣方有「外國人雜居地」之正式名稱,以及其實質上之法律效力。   臺灣「外國人雜居地」實際上是具有多種族群混雜居住於一定範圍內的市街,這種聚集了多種族群的「雜居」地區也因此在土地的分割以及地籍的權屬上呈現出華洋「雜居」的現象。雖然臺灣「外國人雜居地」在1899(明治32)年7月17日,日本政府與西方各國簽訂平等互惠的「改正條約」後,日本國土,包含其殖民地,所有「外國人居留地」以及「雜居地」均廢除,臺灣各「外國人雜居地」也因此編入一般市街中,一同進行「市街改正」工程。但臺灣「外國人雜居地」內各族群雜居的市街空間早在「天津條約」後便已逐漸成形,而在臺灣總督府對各市街所進行的市街改正工程其實有所差別,因此臺灣「外國人雜居地」內族群「雜居」反應在市街空間的現象也因此而保留至今。   除了市街空間的「雜居」外,臺灣「外國人雜居地」內的建築也有「雜居」的現象。在臺灣外國人雜居地內所存在的建築文化總共有三種,第一種為西方人本身所接受的「歐洲古典建築文化」、第二種為西方人在東南亞殖民並融合「東南亞傳統建築文化」後產生的「東南亞殖民地建築文化」,最後則是受到「大陸南方建築文化」影響的「臺灣傳統建築文化」。當西方人所帶來的「建築文化」與臺灣本地的「建築文化」融合之後,外國人雜居地內的建築也出現了在建築構造、材料、工法、風格上「雜居」的現象,我們可以將臺灣外國人雜居地內的建築分為:西方人所設計建造的「西方歷史樣式建築」、「陽臺殖民地樣式建築」、「臺灣化西方建築」、「華洋折衷建築」。以及臺灣人所設計建造的「臺灣傳統建築」、「擬洋式建築」,以及「西化後的臺灣傳統建築」。


Because of the geographical position of Formosa, Westerners were attracted to the Formosa since 17 century, and Formosa (Taiwan) was opened its ports to foreign trade by the “Treaty of Tientsin” at 1858. The Westerners build up the consulate office, foreign firms, and the churches the treaty ports: Keelung, Tamsui, Anping, and Takao, those was also occupied by the Dutch and the Spaniards at 17 century. When Formosa has been handed over to the Japanese by the “Treaty of Shimonoseki” at 1895. The Japanese Empire and the Japanese Government of Formosa admit the effect of the “Treaty of Tientsin”, and allowed the Westerners settled on Formosa, continuing their trading and evangelization. But for the reason to control the Westerners, the Government of Formosa set up the official “Foreign Settlements” in Keelung, Tamsui, Twatutia, Anping, Tainan, and Takao. And public the legal area of the “Foreign Settlements” on the official newspaper in the 21st of April 1897. The citizen who lives in the “Foreign Settlements” contains different nationalities and races, Japanese, Taiwanese (under the governance of Japanese), Chinese, Westerners, and few Korean. In the mean time, the ideas about the building between different races result the difference on the plating of the cadastres, especially between two kinds of races: Taiwanese and Westerners. Taiwanese needed higest capacity of bussiness space, that reduced narrow width and long lenth of a street shophouse, instate, the firms of westerners usually needed restanglarer land to build up western style buildings. Two kinds of plating can be clearly identified in the cityscape of the “Foreign Settlements”. Although the “Foreign Settlements” were abolished after the 17th of July 1899, the character of cityscape in the “Foreign Settlements” had been developed after the “Treaty of Tientsin”, 1858. Therefore the cadastres between Taiwanese and Westerners still remained after the modern city planning which were leaded by the Government of Formosa during 1907 to 1945. Beside the cityscape, the architecture style presented different architectural culture in the “Foreign Settlements”. There are three kinds of architectural culture in the “Foreign Settlements”. First, the “European Classical Architectural Culture”. Second, the “Southeast Asia Colonial Architectural Culture”, which were combined the “Southeast Asia Traditional Architecture Culture” and the western architecture style when the Westerners colonized the Southeast Asia. The last would be the “Taiwanese Traditional Architectural Culture”, which were influenced by the traditional southern architectural culture in Mainland China. When the architecture culture, which was brought to Taiwan by the Westerners after 1858, combined with the “Taiwanese Traditional Architecture Culture”. The architectural structure, material, working and style would also combine Western and Taiwanese architectural culture. We can identity the architecture in the “Foreign Settlements” into “Western Historical Style”, “Verandah Colonial Style”, “Western Architecture in Taiwanese Style”, and “Electric Western and Taiwanese Style”, those were designed by the Westerners. And “Taiwanese Traditional Style”, “Imitative Western Style” and “Taiwanese Architecture in Western Style”, those were designed by the Taiwanese.


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