  • 學位論文


A Study on Wayfinding and Construction of Spatial Conception in Underground Arcade

指導教授 : 曾光宗


民國七十四年開始經由都市計劃等程序而規劃的「台北車站特定專用區計劃」,結合了大眾運輸設施、地下人行步道與商業營運等多元機能,其地下街所形成的路網,無論在機能、規模與空間形態上皆為全國之首例。在建成空間機能趨於複雜化及設施種類增加的同時,如何減少因空間規劃不當所引發的用路人尋路行為的問題,是提昇用路品質不可或缺的重要課題。 尋路決策過程內容上大致可分為三個階段,分別為空間概念建立階段、決策階段以及執行階段。其中,空間概念建構是尋路決策中重要的基礎工作,而影響空間概念建構的重要因素即是空間資訊。「空間資訊」主要可分為「原生」與「後加」,「原生資訊」是指建築物或環境的所在位置、形狀、色彩或特色所傳達的訊息;「後加資訊」是指附加於建築的設備,如標示系統屬之。在空間資訊影響空間概念建構的前提下,如何規劃使其與使用者達成良好的互動,建立較為正確的空間概念,減少尋路行為困擾即為本研究的主要動機。 在研究方法方面,主要以實際觀察使用者於地下街的使用過程中,所產生的尋路困擾,經由使用者「第一人稱」的視覺紀錄與行為註記圖,發覺其確切地點以及其形成因素,針對調查資料中空間資訊與空間認知上的問題作分類、紀錄、彙整與分析,並與理論做比較及應證,進而發掘地下街的尋路行為問題與癥結,此外亦希望能達成以下項目: 1. 調查方法上嘗試以「使用者感官與環境互動」的觀察與紀錄為方向。 2. 瞭解使用者於地下街尋路過程時,行為上的共通性特質與差異性。 3. 剖析地下街的空間特質,並分析「原生資訊」及動線規劃對尋路行為的影響。 4. 探討「後加資訊」中標示系統對空間概念建構及尋路過程的影響,以明瞭標示系統設置應考量的問題,讓標示系統與空間概念建構過程產生正確的關聯性。 5. 綜合分析的結果,解析使用者在地下街中的尋路行為需求,歸納觀察所得現象,提供未來空間規劃的參考以及相關研究的基礎。


Since 1985, the project of Specific Zone of Taipei Train Station, followed the procedures of urban planning, has combined with diverse functions of public transit facilities, underground walk way, and business operations. Its network, formed by the underground arcade, plays a leading role no matter in function, scope or spatial shape in Taiwan. While functions of established space have become more and more complex and varieties of utilities have been increasing, how to decrease passengers' wayfinding behavior due to inappropriate spatial design has become the critical issue to improve the quality of way using. There are three steps in making decisions during wayfinding: construction of spatial conception step, decision step and execution step. Construction of spatial conception is the most fundamental work among these three steps, and is based on an important factor, spatial information. There are two kinds of spatial information, which are original and add-on information. Original information means information from the location, color, shape or characteristics of a building or an environment. Add-on information means information delivered from the equipments attached on the associated building, such as signage system. Followed the statement, spatial information affects construction of spatial conception, this paper is motivated by the ideas of how to reach good interaction between users and space and how to establish correct spatial concept in order to reduce wayfinding behavior. The research method was mainly to directly observe the passengers' wayfinding difficulties in the underground arcade. Where and how the wayfinding difficulties are caused were identified based on the first person report of vision record and behavior mapping. The spatial information and perception from what has been observed were classified, recorded, integrated, and analyzed, in order to find the problems of wayfinding behavior in the underground arcade. It was also hoped to achieve the following goals in this research: 1. A novel investigation method based on observing and recording the users' interactions with their environments. 2. Understanding the general characteristics and variations of wayfinding in underground arcade. 3. Analyzing the spatial characteristics as well as the effects of original information and passenger's moving path on wayfinding behaviors. 4. Investigating the effects of the signage systems in add-on information on the spatial conception construction and wayfinding; understanding the considerations of setting up signage systems for correct correlations between the signage systems and the spatial conception construction. 5. Providing the fundamentals for the study and design of environment planning in the future.


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