  • 學位論文

室內設計師從業者專業資格研究 —以室內設計師考試為例

A Study of Interior Design Participators’ Professional Qualification - Interior Designer

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘 要 根據民國88年考選部(88)選規字第09380號函,函中提及:「考試院認定室內裝修專業技術人員應屬專門職業及技術人員,建議內政部營建署研訂室內設計師法。」隨後,營建署則於建字第28103號函覆,將預計於「建築物室內裝修管理辦法」發佈10年後(即95年5月)能過渡至由「室內設計師」執行裝修業務。由此得見,政府主管機關已重視室內設計師國家級考試制度的建立,但是未來立法後,即將可能面對應考資格之相關問題。本研究期盼達成之目的有三: 1. 瞭解國內室內設計之產、官、學界現況問題。 2. 探索國內建築、室內設計相關法令限制之資格議題。 3. 提出未來「專門職業及技術人員高等室內設計師考試」應考資格內容建議。 在研究流程方面,首先藉由業界現況與相關文獻以及法令等研究資料,提出各項相關專業應考資格議題;其次,參酌室內設計相關的產、官、學等各界專家學者之訪談與問卷調查等意見,綜合以上採行交叉分析。研究重要發現與結論如列: 1. 經室內設計各界之現況與相關法令與文獻資料,發現下列問題: 產業界的現況問題:現職室內設計相關從業者,有部分資深人員未能符合 國家級高等考試的資格。官方部門的現況問題:建築物室內裝修講習訓練暫停辦理、報名訓練相關資格過低與相關訓練課程不夠嚴謹。學術界的現況問題:民國74 年之前,國內未有室內設計相關科系之大專院校設立;另外,科系稱謂以及相關專業教育科目、教學內容等標準不一。 2. 國內建築、室內設計相關法令之資格內容,主要之探究內容則以「專門職業及技術人員考試法」與相關專業法令等國家級的考試法令為主要依據;另參酌「建築物室內裝修管理辦法」與其他相關法令為研究範疇。 3. 專門職業及技術人員高等考試室內設計師應考資格相關議題之建議:未符合國家相關專業高等考試資格之規定者,不得應考;持有特定專業證照資格者,附條件可部分科目免試;相關專業學歷不符者,可採同等學歷與修習相關專業學分等,附條件可應考。


ABSTRACT In terms of Ministry of Examination’s state paper, issued with code 09380 in 1999, brought “The Examination Yuan of R.O.C. established the major technical personnel of interior decoration is equal to the specialist and the technical workers, and they proposed Construction and Planning Administration of Ministry of Interior(CPA) to frame law of interior designer ” Then, CPA replied by state paper (code no. 28103) to release “Regulation of structural interior decoration management” was expected to be published in 10 years (May, 2006) to transit the period for interior designer to practice the interior decoration. That proved the government offices had placed importance on the establishment of the national qualification system for the interior designer. Anticipating the legislation will lead out the issues of the qualification of candidates in the future;goals of this study were generalized to 3 points as following. 1. Getting acquainted with the existing conditions of interior design in the industry, government, and academe. 2. Studying the subject of the related statutory conditionality of internal architectural and interior design. 3. Propounding the qualification of the examinee of “the specialist and the technical worker advanced interior designer examination” in the future. As to the procedure of this study, it based on the actual situation of the industry, the reference documents and the statute to bring up the subject of the examinant’s qualification.Secondly, it consulted and deliberated the interviews of all circles of the related interior design to practice the overlapping analysis. The important discovery and conclusion of this study were listed as following. 1. Through the existing conditions of interior design industry, the related statute and bibliography, we found the following questions.The existing question of the industry:part of the experienced practitioners of interior design can’t qualify to the national advanced examination. The existing question of the government:the structural interior decoration seminar had been suspended, the requirement of the participators’ qualification was under the standard, and the related training courses weren’t exact.The existing question of the academe:there was no university and college instituting the related interior design department before 1985. Title of the department, related professional subject and the teaching contents were not with the same standard. 2. The domestic statutory qualification of the architectural and interior design was based on the national exam statute of “The examination statute of the specialist and the technical workers” and the related expert statute. “Regulation of structural interior decoration management” and the other related statute were the reference materials inside the research scope. 3. The suggestion to the related subject of the specialist, the technical worker and the interior designer’s qualification for the advanced examination are as following. No admissibility for the people without the qualification according to the national advanced examination regulation. Some subjects will be the excuse from examination with the specific expert certificate and the specific conditions. The qualified educational background could be adopted with the equivalent certificate of the school level or the credit points of the specialty to be the examinee with the specific terms.


1998 專門職業及技術人員考試法修正案專輯。專技人員知多少,考選情報,第3期。
1998 專門職業及技術人員考試法修正案專輯,台北,台灣:考選部,頁725-726。
1998 專門職業及技術人員考試法修正案專輯,台北,台灣:考選部,頁54-55。
2000 專門職業及技術人員考試法修正案專輯,台北,台灣:考選部,頁10。
2000 專門職業及技術人員考試法修正案專輯,台北,台灣:考選部,頁518-519。


