  • 學位論文


Impacts of Implementation of ISO14001 on Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


摘要 本研究首先針對製造業於2001年底以前通過環境管理系統認証ISO14001之968家製造業廠商進行全面性的問卷調查,並將所回收的問卷,按行政院經濟部統計處之分類標準依照其行業屬性將問卷分類,計有金屬機械業83份、石化業102份、資訊電子業133份及民生工業90份。除了依照行業別對問卷作一般統計分析外,更以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)解析各廠商於實施環境管理系統ISO14001後,公司在管理績效、環保績效、財務績效及整體營運績效上是否受顯著影響等作深入探討。 研究結果顯示:四大製造業在實施環境管理系統後確實在管理、環保、財務、及整體營運上均有正面的助益,其中以管理績效之影響程度最大,其次為環保績效,再其次為整體營運績效,而最薄弱者為財務績效;若以產業比較之,ISO14001對資訊電子業之影響相較於其他行業在各項指標中皆屬較佳,以滿分為5而言,其四個績效總平均值為3.39,其次為金屬機械業3.36,再者為石化業3.33,影響較弱者為民生工業3.26,此與其各產業的特性有相當之關係。 此外,本研究進一步尋求四大製造業各自之結構方程式模型時,發現各個模型之變數因果關係皆成立。而台灣的金屬機械業廠商在導入環境管理系統ISO14001後,產生資能源的節約及再利用對於其在整體營運面的影響最為顯著,而且ISO14001對於提升公司產品形象有極大的效果;而石化業廠商則透過管理績效的提升,進而使其成本下降並獲得產品創新之實質效果;資訊電子業廠商則透過管理績效的提升,對其整體營運面呈現正面的實質效果;民生工業廠商亦是從對管理績效的提升,在其製程效益面上有正面的助益。就整體製造業而言,環境管理系統之實施,能促進有效地利用內部管理控制程序,又能增加廠商獲利能力和市場占有率,並透過對整體營業額提升而造成資源化、價值化的實質效果為最大。有關實施環境管理系統之各種績效,經過本研究之實証分析結果,均足以顯示ISO14001之實施對廠商在管理、環保、財務及整體營運方面確有正面顯著之效果,值得政府機構及相關單位持續推動其認証,為經濟成長和環境保護間一項有意義之平衡工具。


Abstract This study first makes a questionnaire survey on 968 factories that have attained ISO14001 certificate in manufacturing industry by the end of the year 2001. Four major manufacturing industries are included and analyzed: metal-machinery industry, petro-chemical industry, electric industry and household industries, classified according to the Statistics Department of the Executive Yuan. Numbers of the correspondent questionnaires analyzed are 83 in metal-machinery industry, 102 in petro-chemical industry, 133 in electric industry and 90 in household, respectively. The first part of the study apply t-test statistic and give an overall analysis for each category’s general information and performance. Later, method of linear structural relation (LISREL) is conducted to analyze the effects of ISO certification upon the company’s management administration, environmental protection, financial and operation performances. The empirical results show that the holding of ISO certificate has strong positive impacts upon a company’s management administration. The ISO certification also serves to improve business environmental protection as well as operational process. The only weak effect is associated with financial aspect, which may be explained by the purchasing behavior of consumers who are not aware of the contents of ISO certification. When comparing overall results among-manufacturing industries, the electric industry has the strongest impacts after acquiring ISO certificate .The next two are metal-machinery industry and petro-chemical industry. The overall weakest impact is found in household industry. In general, firms indeed have gained good business reputation and earned increasing market shares after they have attained environmental certificate.


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