  • 學位論文


The Limitation of Using Technology to Modify Human Being: A Study of Genetic Intervention

指導教授 : 雷文玫


論文摘要 目前生物科技的發展為眾所矚目的焦點。生物技術的應用,從以基因轉殖將動植物設計成具有人們所需要的特徵,進展到利用基因改造改變人類的遺傳性狀,不過人類的基因改造尚處於研究階段。有科學家預期,人類透過基因重組,訂做比自己優秀的下一代,已經不是「如果」的問題,而是「何時」及「如何」發生的問題。有鑑於基因改造可能具有改變人類特徵的效果,對人類族群產生生理上的變化及價值觀的影響,吾人似乎應稍微停下腳步,關心一個根本的問題-人類社會是否應該容許基因改造的發展?基因改造在倫理上是否可能發生價值衝突,例如動搖了人類所固有的本質、擴張人與人之間的不平等、或影響人類族群的多樣性?科技改造人類在倫理上所能容許的限度為何?在法律上應建立如何的規範體系以因應倫理學上的要求? 本文以我國、美國與歐洲國家關於基因改造的科學研究進展及法制現況為研究的基礎資料,首先觀察現今基因改造在我國與歐美的發展狀況,次就基因改造在倫理上可能產生的爭議進行討論,再就我國與歐美基因改造相關之現行法律制度作研究,最後分析我國有關基因改造相關法制,並試著提出檢討與修正建議。 在結論上,本文採有限制肯定基因改造人類的立場,必須在不破壞人類本質、不影響生物多樣性、不以促進優生為目的、個人充分了解該技術之風險存在、並且進行嚴格的風險利益評估的前提下,始得允許基因改造適用於人體。基因改造的接受者,可以是成年人、未成年人或胚胎,原則上接受者必須依其自由意志決定接受基因改造,父母基於親權,雖有權代子女為基因改造之決定,惟必須基於未成年子女之最佳利益。對於胚胎進行基因改造,為避免促進優生之疑慮,必須嚴格禁止對胚胎中與生殖細胞發育有關之組織進行基因改造。政府在設計管理基因改造的規範及作業流程時,除了對受術者資格嚴加把關外,更應注意風險控制,如果實施基因改造的風險,不論是效果或安全性,都在人體不能負荷的程度,則應該禁止或暫緩開放基因改造的實施。由於醫療資源有限,即使容許基因改造適用於人體,國家亦無法滿足所有基因改造的需求,基於維持個人正常功能之目的,增進身體機能且預防疾病的基因改造技術或可納入全民健康保險的給付範圍內。對於基因改造技術,除了有完善的執行計畫外,更需有周詳的損害救濟制度,除了傳統民法上侵權行為損害賠償請求權外,或可考慮納入申請藥害救濟的請求範圍內,俾使救濟體系更為周延。


Abstract The development of biotechnology catches everyone's eyes recently. Scientists have been able to design the characteristics of animals and plants that people needed. Further more, they are trying to change the phenotypes of human beings by genetic intervention, which is on the stage of research. Some anticipate that people will be able to "order" their children whose features are better than parents. As regard to the possible effects of modifying human physiological characteristics and the influence of viewpoints of value, we should halt temporarily for thinking about some questions: Should we permit the advance of genetic intervention in human society? Would it make the conflicts of ethical values, such as changing human nature, amplifying the inequality between people, or affecting the human diversity? What is the limitation of modifying human being which would be permitted ethically? How should we build regulatory system under the demand of ethics? The research material of this thesis is the status quo of the scientific research and regulations about genetic intervention in R.O.C., United States, and Europe. First of all, the study summarizes the present state of genetic intervention, then discusses some ethical issues of human genetic intervention, and then investigates the present regulatory system about genetic intervention, then analyzes the related regulations about genetic intervention and tries to make some suggestions finally. In conclusion, the position of the thesis is approval of human genetic intervention with some limits: under strict risk-benefic assessment, human genetic intervention will not destroy the human nature, not affect human diversity, not promote the goal of eugenics, and the receptors of genetic intervention must be aware of the risk of this technology, then we could allow people to use this technology. The receptors of genetic intervention would be adults, minors, or embryos. They must receive genetic intervention at his/her will in principle. The parents have authority to make decision for their children about receiving genetic intervention based on parental rights according to the best interest of their children. For avoiding the trouble of eugenics, we should abandon the genetic intervention of germ-line in embryo rigorously. The government should pay attention to the qualification of receptors and risk control when designing the regulation of genetic intervention management. If the risk of genetic intervention is above the degree that human could bear, we should suspend or prohibit the use of genetic interven-tion. The welfare that the government could offer couldn't satisfy everyone's need of genetic intervention because of the limit of medical resources. For the sake of maintain-ing the normal function of human, the government may provide the genetic intervention of increasing human ability and preventing diseases in social health care. The prefect execution project and the integrated relief system is both needed for genetic intervention. Besides the damage compensation of torts, drug relief application would be considered to be included in the compensation system of human genetic intervention.


Hanna, Paul, "Recognizing the Need for Uniform International Regulation of Developing Biotechnology: A Focus on Genetic Experimentation," Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review, 24, 87-111,2002.
Michael J. Sandel, What's Wrong with Enhancement, The President's Council on Bioethics (visited 2003/1/9)


