  • 學位論文

探討 供應商管理存貨 之作業績效 — 以個案為例

Study on Operational Performance of Vendor Management Inventory --- by Case Study

指導教授 : 林賜德


摘要 「速度」與「彈性」不但是當今企業強化競爭力的不二法門,更是在當前全球化高度嚴苛生存壓力下不可或缺的基本配備,如何發展創新先進的物料供應模式以提高競爭優勢更是企業所重視的議題。隨著全球化的挑戰,企業紛紛進行全球佈局,未來企業的競爭將不僅視產品價格、品質、交期、顧客服務之競爭外,庫存的控制能力亦是決定企業生存的關鍵因素之一。在價格促銷的策略背後,如何藉著有效率的供應鏈管理體系來支援上、中、下游之間的良性互動與合作,由互信互利進而達到共存共榮的雙贏境界。成功的供應鏈系統及策略能讓企業以更少的成本、更多的管道、更迅速滿足顧客需求。除了全球佈局業務擴展需提供的相對的營運服務外,企業對內之製程管理、生產備料、運輸配送等等每一個流程都有其複雜性與密切關聯,一但有任一環節錯誤產生,將增加額外之成本且快速侵蝕企業之利潤。本研究所探討的是一個供應商管理存貨之提供者,在面臨其顧客也是唯一之顧客營運業績逐年下滑時,要如何維持服務率不變,重新檢視及調配現行之營運策略,並透過流程改善為工具,發展出一系列的最適化之作業模式,進而提升自我的營運績效。


Abstract Speed and flexibility are not only the way how enterprise improve their competitively, but the most important winning capability under high global competition. How to develop an advanced model of material supply to improve competitively is becoming a very important topic to all enterprise. Enterprise move forward to worldwide operation following new challenges from globalization. In the future, the competition will not only exist in price, quality, efficiency, and customer service, but the ability of stock control. Behind strategy of price promotion, it’s very important that how to support cooperation between vendors through effective supply chain management and come to a win-win situation. Successful supply chain management and strategy enable enterprise meet customer demand with lower cost and more channels. Beside operational service to handle global business, internal processes such as production management, material management and physical distribution are complicated and correspondent. Any errors would bring extra costs and reduce margin. This paper would like to study how a VMI supplier develop optimized operation model through process re-engineering to maintain service level and improve operational performance when facing its only customer’s business decline.


Inventory Management SCM Forecasting。 VMI Bullwhip Effect


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