  • 學位論文

電子化交易及設計服務對 企業競爭力之影響 —以紙器業為例

The Effect of Both E-Transaction and Design Service upon the Organizational Competitiveness -A Case of Corrugated Packaging

指導教授 : 林賜德


二十一世紀是數位經濟的時代,產業面對國際化、全球化及市埸自由化的競爭環境,速度與創新是成功的關鍵,企業應以顧客的角度,策略性的思考,來規劃及發展出具前瞻性、適切性的企業電子化經營模式,將企業內、外部資源有效性整合,以提升企業之競爭力。企業要經得起全球化的考驗,就必須用資訊科技以增進經營管理績效。因此,及時建構e化企業並導入電子商務的技術,方可提升國際市場競爭力並掌握全球無限的新商機。我國加入世界貿易組織後,為了要有效拓展對外經貿空間,政府在自由化及國際化政策方面,最具體的表現是關稅的降低、台幣匯率自由浮動。面臨零關稅完全開放的競爭,使得國內長年受到保護之傳統產業遭受莫大衝擊,台灣紙器業亦不例外。 本研究以個案分析的方式進行,從所蒐集相關文獻與研究紙業產業整體經營環境分析,同時利用五力分析、SWOT,與個案分析來探討:電子化交易對紙器業核心競爭力之影響﹑設計服務對紙器業提升競爭力之影響和電子化交易及設計服務對紙器業經營績效之影響。研究的結論:發現電子化交易企業在獲利能力提昇,營運績效成長與降低成本有明顯之影響,提供的資訊對同業或其他產業電子化交易,協同設計服務的運用對紙器業有相當的幫助,即時與快速的滿足客戶的需求。確實幫助紙器業大幅提升營運效益,成功地確立策略定位,企業電子化之於降低成本和差異化策略可提高競爭優勢,並增加其競爭力。


21 Century is the era of digital economy, with businesses appearing to internationalization, globalization and market liberalization. Speediness and innovation are the key points to succeed in a dramatically different environment. Organizations should take the objective view and strategic thinking to plan and develop the most adequate E-management. Besides, to integrate the internal and external resource efficiently in order to advance the organizational competitiveness is also essential. To connect with the emerging globalization, organizations are bound to apply the information Technology (IT) to improve the management efficiency. Hence, developing the e-management and leading in the technology of e-commerce are the first priority to, accelerate the international marker competitiveness, to catch the new business opportunities. After joining the WTO, in aspects of liberal and international strategy, the most apparent strategy practices by government are the decrease in tariff and the policy of NTD (New Taiwan Dollars) floating exchange rate to efficiently expand the international trading. With the zero tariff for the freely competitive market, traditional industries, which were protected by government before, are now impacted tremendously and Taiwan corrugated packaging industry are under no exception. This study is presented with individual case analysis; from collecting the relevant bibliography and the study of corrugated packaging industry in whole environment, meanwhile the SWOT and the individual case analysis are also applied to discuss the impacts of e-transaction on the core competitiveness, the impacts of design service on increasing the competitiveness and the impacts of e-transaction and design service on organizational achievement. Findings are including corporations with e-transaction get high profitability. In addition, e-transaction also has tremendous impacts on the growth of business and reduction of cost. By applying this technology with design service in any industries, a great help will appear particularly for the corrugated packaging industry. Providing in time and speedy service to meet customer satisfaction can help to increase the business growth substantially and to make correct and successful strategy. To conclude, corporations with e-system can sufficiently cost down and make different strategy to promote the competitive advantages and elevate its competitiveness.




劉金談(2006)。供應鏈協作對企業競爭力影響之研究 —以U家具公司為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600201
