  • 學位論文


The Study of Internet Rumors on Consumer Behavior

指導教授 : 廖本哲


摘要 面對網路資訊發達,許多事件經由網路得以快速傳遞,彈指可知世界各地發生的訊息,不再侷限於已往的傳統媒體。而在網路世界裡流傳的謠言也形成一種文化,而謠言正因為不知其是真是假,才會因此流傳。謠言在人們之間相互流傳、討論、找尋解答,進而有新版謠言或是不攻自破。 本次研究藉由網路謠言為主題,並以電子郵件作為散播管道,並融合消費者行為反應加以探討。我們以信件來源(熟識者、陌生人)、查證網址(有、無)、產品類型(搜尋品、經驗品)以及產品知識高低,作為實驗設計的四項因子,共十六組實驗方格,去探討消費者行為中的產品態度、產品偏好、未來購買可能性、閱讀信件仔細程度以及信件內容可信程度;電子郵件轉寄行為中的轉寄可能性與查證可能性。 消費者該如何運用有用的資訊去幫助自己不受到網路謠言的困擾,是目前要學習的課題之ㄧ;同時企業在面對公司產品遭到謠言攻擊時,又該經由什麼樣的管道才能夠有效對謠言提出澄清: 經由本次的研究提出下列幾點以供參考: 一、信件來源確實會對消費者行為與電子郵件行為產生影響;信件來源的熟悉度將會改變消費者行為,並且提升信件被轉寄出去的可能性。 二、目前一般民眾使用查證網站的效果並不明顯,同時查證意願也不高,推論其原因可能是因為網路謠言的型態種類繁多,造成一般民眾對謠言的關心程度下降,因此查證意願也較低落。 三、謠言信件的產品類型(搜尋品、經驗品)會使消費者有不同的消費者行為反應與電子郵件的轉寄行為。 四、消費者的產品知識高低對於謠言信件會在對於信件內容的查證可能性上會有影響,低產品知識受測者會有較高的查證可能意願。 五、本次實驗中所設計的因子交互作用顯著性不高。 六、企業面對謠言攻擊時,應以公正的第三管道或企業網頁發表澄清說明,將是最有效的謠言澄清管道。消費者接收的資訊越來越多樣化的同時;企業在電子郵件的行銷應用上,必須更加注意。


Abstract With the development of Internet, a lot of information transmitted fast through the net nowadays. Traditional media is no longer the only news resource. The rumors spreading in the Internet world forms a kind of culture, this study try to know the effects on consumer’s attitude. When the rumors spreads on the net, people discussing, spreading, looking for answer, making new version, or making the rumors disappear. The main goal of this research is how Internet rumors influence the consumer behavior and regarding E-mail as the channel of dissemination. Mail source (the persons who know well, stranger), investigating and verifying the website (have or have not), the products type (search products, experience products) and products knowledge level (high or low), are the four factors as experimental design; sixteen experiment cells in total. We attempt to understand the consumer’s product attitude, product preference, future purchasing intention, the particularity of reading the mail, the credibility of mail content, the possibility of forwarding the mail, and the possibility of verification. How to use useful information to help one not be perplexed by the Internet rumors is one of the marketers’ tasks. Meanwhile, marketers should know the channel to clarify rumors. The research proposes the following points: 1. The mail source will influence the consumer behavior and E-mail behavior. The familiarity of the mail source will affect consumer behavior and raise the mail forwarding probability. 2. It is not obvious that people use websites to investigate the rumor content, and don’t feel like to investigate the rumors very much. It can be inferred that there’s a great amount of Internet rumors, causing people pay less attention to rumors and don’t feel like to verify. 3. Product type (search goods, experiences goods) in rumors will cause different consumer behavior and mail react behavior. 4. There is influence on the investigation possibility of the content of the mail in consumer’s products knowledge level; the low product knowledge field consumer will have higher possibility to investigate the mail content. 5. The interactive effects are not obvious in this study. 6. The third party institution or enterprise webpage is the most effective channel to clarify the rumors. While information that consumers receive is getting more and more diverse, enterprises need to pay more attention on the E-mail marketing.


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