  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors for Taiwan Enterprises Entering the China Healthcare Market-Study on ESSP Perspective

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


本研究旨在探討台灣企業進入中國大陸醫療市場之成功關鍵因素。以往學者僅針對大陸醫療服務市場的環境分析、投資意願、進入策略等相關議題研究,但至今尚無實證研究,因此本研究嘗試從環境、策略、組織結構及績效觀點來分析,歸納出進入中國大陸醫療市場之成功關鍵因素。 本研究採個案研究法,以台灣企業已進入、曾經進入或有意願進入大陸投資醫院、診所之機構為研究對象,在深度訪談並經由背景資料分析與個案資料彙整後,發展出相關命題。本研究的結果如下: 一、在環境面,「法令法規符合性與因應彈性」以及多數企業著重的「地方政府的配合程度」、「醫療法規的熟悉程度」、「醫療政策的走向」、「目標市場區域人口」、「競爭對手狀況」及「人才供給狀況」,歸納為進入中國大陸醫療市場環境面之關鍵成功因素。尤以「法令法規符合性與因應彈性」、「地方政府的配合程度」、「醫療政策的走向」及「人才供給狀況」更為重要。而「法令法規符合性與因應彈性」直接影響台灣企業進入中國大陸醫療市場之進入績效。 二、在策略面,多數企業著重的「營業範圍的選擇」、「核心技術掌握」及「合作夥伴的選擇」,歸納為進入中國大陸醫療市場策略面之關鍵成功因素。尤以「合作夥伴的選擇」更為重要。台灣企業在中國大陸設立醫療機構所採行的策略,在核心競爭技術掌握部分則以「管理」及「服務」為主。營業規模對合作夥伴的選擇有影響。而合作夥伴的「適配度」會影響績效表現。多數績優機構除醫療本業的營運外同時兼顧產品線的延伸,而「產品線廣度與特色」對經營績效有影響。 三、在結構面,多數企業著重的「股權結構」、「策略夥伴的合作程度」與「人力資源政策」,歸納為進入中國大陸醫療市場結構面之關鍵成功因素。尤以「股權結構」與「人力資源本土化」更為重要。在中國大陸設立之醫療機構,組織結構上除增加符合當地法規要求的部門外,與台灣醫院組織結構無太大差異。在人力資源政策方面多朝「本土化」發展。而母公司資源運用程度較高者,有較佳之績效表現。在組織結構方面所有受訪者均著重「股權結構」關係,故在合作夥伴的選擇就相對更加重要。 四、在各構面的關係上,環境因素會對台灣企業進入中國大陸醫療市場之策略有影響;醫療保險的有無與目標市場的選擇有相關。目標市場的選擇策略對管理人員組合有影響。營業規模則對合作夥伴的選擇有影響。


The purpose of this research was to find out the key success factors of Taiwan enterprises investing China healthcare market. We found in the past mostly research were focused on the environment analysis for China healthcare market on investing enthusiasm, entry strategies and the relative topic of China healthcare market, but none relative empirical research. Therefore, we intended to analyze the view of environment, strategies, enterprise organization and performance to generalize the key success factors of entering China healthcare market. This research was used by case study, aimed the Taiwan enterprises which already or ever entered China healthcare market and also enthused. After deep interview, analyzed background data and compiled the case information the proposition was resulted. Following were conclusions for this research: 1.For environment the “fitness and elasticity of the legislation” and factors which many enterprises emphasized “local government cooperation”, “familiars on medical laws and regulation”, “tendency of healthcare policies”, ”population of target market”, “competitors’ status” and “human resource condition” were integrated into key success factors of environment of entering China healthcare market. Especially for “fitness and elasticity of the legislation”, “local government cooperation”, “tendency of health care policies“ and “human resource condition” were more important. Besides, “fitness and elasticity of the legislation” influence the entry performance for Taiwanese enterprise entering China healthcare market. 2.For strategies most enterprises focused on “business area selection”, ”core technology control” and “partners choosing” integrated into the key success factors of strategy of entering China healthcare market. Especially “partners choosing” is more important. The strategy Taiwanese enterprises adopted for medical organization establish in China for core competitive technology control were mostly main on “management” and “service”. The business scale influenced partner choosing. And, partners’ “coordination” influenced performance. 3.For construction, mostly focused on “ownership structure”, “cooperation level of strategy partner” and “localization of human resource policy” as integrated into the key success factors of construction of entering China healthcare market. Especially for “ownership structure” and “cooperation level of strategy partner” were more important. To establish medical treatment unit in China, there was not big different on organization to Taiwan’s hospital except setting up department according to local rules of law. For human resource policy were mostly developed to be local “localization”. Besides, for parent company the higher level of resource application achieved performance was better. We found all interviewers paid attention on relationship of “ ownership structure”, therefore it was more important for choosing partner. 4.For relations on all dimensions, environment factors will influence Taiwanese enterprises’ strategy of entering China healthcare markets and choosing target markets was related if there was health care insurance or not. The choosing strategy of target market influenced cross-strait leadership management. Business scale influenced choosing partners.




