  • 學位論文

共生概念運用於產業閒置空間再利用 —以台灣水泥竹東廠為例

The Design Concept of Symbiosis for the Reuse of Industrial Heritage —An Application on the Concrete Factory in Chu Tung

指導教授 : 林曉薇


共生概念運用於產業閒置空間再利用 —以台灣水泥竹東廠為例 論 文 摘 要 再利用策略近年來成為處理都市閒置空間之趨勢議題,基於一種對生活記憶的延續及都市緣文化的關注,本論文針對台灣現階段閒置空間再利用個案常見之共通性課題提出檢討: 1. 通則性保存策略的操作困境— 如華山藝文特區、建國啤酒廠、台中二十號鐵道倉庫…等個案,侷限於自身單點的空間活化與建物保存,形成許多相似性機能之再利用據點,導致再利用發展之模式化重複性。 2. 產業與地區發展關係的疏離— 多數再利用案例於操作計畫中,並未考慮其與都市涵構之整體空間關係與定位,因而無法滿足區域或當地民眾所需求之空間型式,造成據點與週邊環境及民眾彼此間互動連結性關係薄弱,形成如孤島般佇立於都市架構中之窘境。 有鑑於以上相關問題的衍生,本論文由再利用觀點出發,強調產業閒置空間再利用,必須結合地方發展計畫並予與定位,利用生物性「共生行為」的特質轉喻發展成為產業閒置空間再利用之設計操作程序,以尋求出可整合產業閒置空間、週邊發展及都市機能之「介質空間」,並透過台灣水泥竹東廠的實質設計操作過程,作為個人「共生再利用」操作機制的印證。 本論文整體架構上可分為兩階段性操作策略: 1. 產業閒置空間「共生再利用」理論建構 經由生物界與建築界「共生」行為構成之關鍵「介質空間」,探討介質如何使兩並置個體及兩空間產生互動共生關係。藉由分析其演化步驟及特質,將「聯繫」、「轉換」、「重組」作為產業閒置空間「共生再利用」操作機制建構之準則。並應用此「共生再利用」之特質轉化為三階段之設計操作機制: A.聯繫—週邊資源性空間調查與整合 B.轉換—空間機能的取代或變更 C.重組—空間活動的整合與創造 2. 實質案例設計操作 將上述建構之「產業閒置空間共生再利用操作機制」應用於台灣水泥竹東廠,以檢視「共生再利用」理論落實於實質個案操作之可行性及發展潛力。


The Design Concept of Symbiosis for the Reuse of Industrial Heritage- An Application on the Concrete Factory in Chu Tung Abstract The reuse of historical building and industrial heritage has become a new trend for the development of deserted urban space. With the enthusiasm for the continuity of life memory and the concern of local culture, this thesis focuses on two major difficulties of the reuse of deserted urban space in Taiwan: 1. The difficulty of general preservation and typical usages- For example, the functions and usage of the reuse cases, such as Huashan Cultural District, Jianguo Beer Factory, Railtrack 20 Warehouse in Taizhong and so on are limited by its site and the regulation of building preservation. 2. The separation between the industrial development and regional development- For example, many reuse plans of industrial heritages disregard their relationship with the urban context, therefore, they cannot fulfil the needs and the expectations of the local citizens. Thus, the lack of interactions between the citizens and the reuse area results the isolated situation of the reuse projects. Regarding the above problems, this thesis aims to develop a strategic process for the reuse of industrial heritage. It applies the biological concept of symbiosis into the design concept of the reuse of industrial heritage. This strategic process emphasizes the reuse development of industrial heritages must “integrate,” “interchange,” and “reorganize” the characters of the site and the regional development plan, in order to sustain the uniqueness of a place, locality and generate the new economy of the industry. This thesis is divided into two parts: 1. The theoretical approach of symbiosis for the reuse of industrial heritage 2. The application of the design concept of symbiosis on the concrete factory in Chu Tung


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