  • 學位論文


The design and effectiveness of the training program on the facial emotion recognition of patients with schizophrenia

指導教授 : 譚偉象


摘要 精神分裂症為一種慢性化疾病,隨著病程的延長,負性症狀越明顯、認知缺陷越多、社會功能越差、復發再住院機率越高。為協助病患回歸社區、增加心理社會能力,筆者擬探討神經認知取向之表情辨認訓練的給予對於精神分裂病患在臉部情緒覺察的助益,期望能了解表情辨認復健在疾病慢性化後的成效。 本研究以記憶歷程模式為主軸,參考減弱模式的感官登錄與減弱控制機轉、眼球凝視現象、臉部辨識訊息歷程模式、雙階段臉孔辨識模式的型態偵測模組、二階段臉孔辨識模式的臉孔與表情表徵、思考適應控制模式的陳述與程序知識等部分,並舉證精神分裂病患在表情訊息處理歷程各階段-注意、編碼、儲存、提取的缺損現象,以自我引導、特徵抽取、記憶增強、立即回饋等原則,設計神經認知行為取向的臉部表情辨認訓練方案。 在以MACOVA分析了2(正常組/病患組﹚*2(表情知覺訓練/防颱知識教育﹚之實驗設計在各種表情類別之辨識正確率、辨識反應時間、外顯表情知識於前測與前後測差異值的數據後,筆者發現獨變項-課程在表情辨識正確率、外顯表情知識之效果可被證實:表情知覺訓練組、負向表情等情況對表情辨識的變化程度之影響較為顯著。正常組與病患組在表情辨識正確率、外顯表情知識之差異則因共變控制了智力與受教育年數的關係,使得組別效果不顯著。而在表情辨識的反應時間的部份,則可能因為地板效應、後設認知能力差異而導致主要效果不明顯。 在結論的部份,筆者根據實驗之結果,建議了發展表情辨識訓練的方向,同時也對神經認知強化訓練的遠景,提供了一些參考意見。


訓練 表情辨認 精神分裂


Abstract Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder. Patients with schizophrenia have more negative symptoms, more cognitive deficits, poorer social function, and more relapses while their course of disease extends. In order to help schizophrenic patients return to their community and increase their psychosocial function, the author would like to study the effectiveness of the neurocognitive training program on the facial emotion recognition of patients with schizophrenia. With the deficit in the information processing on facial emotion perception of schizophrenic patients, the neurocognitive training program is based mainly on the Memory Processing Model, Treisman’s Attenuation Model, signs of the eye movement, Ellis’s Information Processing Model of Face Recognition, Zhuo’s Morphological-Tuning Model, Wang’s Two-Stage Face Recognition Model, and Anderson’s Adaptive Control of Thought. The contents of the training contain self-instruction, feature abstraction, mnemonics, and positive reinforcement. After analyzing the 2(normal/ patient)* 2(facial training/ typhoon education) MACOVA design on the pre test and the difference between the pre and post test of accuracy, reaction time, and declarative knowledge score, there was the program effect. There were significant results in the facial emotion recognition training group and negative emotion categories on the accuracy and declarative knowledge score. There was no significant difference between normal and patient group due to covariance of IQ and educational levels on the accuracy and declarative knowledge score. There was no main effect in the reaction time due to the floor effect and the diversity of metacognition function. Basing on the results, the author suggested the direction for developing the training program further, and made comments on the future of neurocognitove enhancing training.


