  • 學位論文


Key Factors of The Industrial Safety Endangers for CSIST Mechanical Plant

指導教授 : 胡宜中 邱榆淨


工業安全事故發生的主要原因包括直接原因(非預期的失能控制及危害物)及間接原因(不安全的行為及不安全的環境),為避免意外事故發生後造成人員傷亡及財物損害,本研究主要目的在找出事故發生之問題所在,以進行預防、控制及改善作為。由於工業發展日新月異,生產設備、原料、材料及作業程序上亦日趨複雜化與多樣化,致使勞工作業環境潛在之危害不斷增加。在勞動環境中之危害因子可分為物理性、化學性、生物性和人體工學等四類,由於危害因子與職業災害有相當密切的因果關係,事後改善所需人力物力成本往往比事前事倍功半,故要防止危害發生的共同原則為「預防重於治療」。 本研究對象為中山科學研究院機械工廠,由於其特殊之任務使命與一般民間企業不同,而所處之作業環境與面臨之安全風險亦較民間企業為高,故本研究極欲發展一套評估國防科技研發機構工業安全衛生管理機制、運作方式與防制作為。透過以往的災害紀錄,將職業災害的危害因子加以分類、了解災害發生的原因、造成那些嚴重的後果,進而擬定有效的防制對策,俾提供從事工業安全工作的同仁參考及改善。 本研究首先藉由文獻探討找出機械工廠安全危害因子之相關因素包括(一)噪音及振動(二) 切割傷(三) 高溫環境作業(四) 吊掛作業(五) 腐蝕性藥劑(六) 焊接作業(七) 表面處理(八) 通風 (九) 照明(十) 物料搬運 (十一) 重複性動作(十二) 機具設計不良等十二項。本研究運用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP)來訂定各項因素權重值,以瞭解策略指導人員、策略規劃人員、執行人員對安全危害因子評估層面及準則重要性、共識度及異同處。 分析發現受訪者對本研究所做的評估結果如下,在評估層面之整體群體評估認為「物理性危害」最重要。本項整體群體評估與執行人員同樣認為「物理性危害」最重要,具有相同的共識度。在評估準則之重要程度方面,以「噪音及振動危害」、「腐蝕性藥劑危害」、「切割傷危害」最重要。在評估準則共識度方面,策略規劃人員及執行人員對於「物料搬運」、「重複性動作」有較高的共識度,但是對於「腐蝕性藥劑」共識度較低,三者對於「表面處理」亦有較高的共識度。由於受測人員之學術背景、職務、工作內容及工作環境不同,但對十二項評估準則的看法只有小部份的差異,整體來說本研究結論是具參考價值的。 本研究之貢獻在預防意外事故之發生,消除會導致危害的不安全行為、不安全環境與不安全的媒介物,提供良好之工作環境,確保工作人員身心健康及增進工作效率。


The main causes of industrial accident include direct reason (unexpected lose and hazardous materials) and indirect reason (unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions). In order to avoid the results of accident which caused personnel injuries, illnesses or property damage, the purpose of this research is to find the true problems of the accident and next to proceed to prevent, control, and correct these problems. Due to the industry development changes with each passing day, production equipment, raw material, and operation procedures also become complicated and diverse, which make the potential hazards in the workplace increased continuously. Among the working environment, the hazard can be divided into four categories: physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards, and ergonomic hazards. Because the relation between hazardous factors and occupational accident is very close, the “ Prevention is better than cure” here is the common principle to keep the accidents from occurring. The research object selected is the mechanical plants of Chung Shan institute of Science and Technology (CSIST). Because its specific mission is different from generally civil enterprise, the working environment and the risks faced are higher than the civil enterprise too. Therefore, an evaluation methodology is developed to assess the industrial safety and health management mechanism, operation and correction approach of a national defense research organization. Through the understanding of the past accident records, a classification of the accident hazard factors, causes and severity is derived. And then an effective and efficient preventive plan is proposed for the reference of the industrial safety personnel. This research finds out the hazard factors in the mechanical plant are as following:(1) noise and vibration ( 2) cut wound( 3) high temperature operation( 4)hanging operation( 5) corrosive materials(6)welding operation (7) surface processing (8)ventilation(9) lighting(10)material handling(11) repetition operation(12) bad machine design. The questionnaire sends out 30 totally, recovering 30, recovering rate is 100%.Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to establish weighting for each factor, in order to understand the assessment results of the hazardous factors, the importance of principles and the similarity and dissimilarity for three kinds of different level personnel. The results showed that the “physical hazard” is most important in the whole assessment which is the same as the executive level with strong consistence. For the importance of the assessment principle, the “noise and vibration”, “corrosive materials”, and “cut wound” is the most. Among the consensus of the assessment principle, the strategist and executive level are with higher consensus in the field of “material handling” and “repetition operation”, but are lower in “corrosive materials”. Although the subject background, duty, work content and work environment are not the same completely, the results showed that there are few differences in the assessment of the 12 criteria.Therefore,the findings in this research are valuable. The contribution of this research is to prevent the accident from happening, and all the unsafe acts, conditions, and media will be reduced. Therefore, a good working environment can be provided, and the health of employee and work efficiency can be insured and promoted.


徐建川,2002年,工業安全與衛生,台北:台科大圖書股份有限公司 。


胡秋煌(2007)。外包商安全管理之探討 以杜邦公司某二氧化鈦廠為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700800
