  • 學位論文


Applying Theory of Constrains in Improving Course Administration Procedures

指導教授 : 王晃三 周永燦


摘要 大學教育是經濟發展的重要一環。大學教育透過課程設計與專業教授塑造人才,其最主要的目的,乃以研究學術培育人才、服務社會,促進國家發展。選課作業則是大學利用課程的教學與學習,實現教育目標的起點。選課作業在各大學屬於例行性業務,選課作業的有效與否,不只影響教學的成效,教育資源的運用,更直接影響學生對學校的滿意度。 本研究以改善選課作業為探討的重心,分別從學生與行政的角度,探討選課作業中各項困擾問題的以及其關鍵問題,以此作為基礎,研判可行的對策,利用有限的資源下,協助學生在選課過程中,達到合乎期待的學習目標。因本研究發現之選課問題所引發的困擾現象,大多不適合量化處理,因此本研究選定倡導常識管理的限制理論(Theory of Constrains,TOC)作為研究架構。 限制理論是一套系統化的問題解決模式,運用直覺式的邏輯架構,將常識問題透過結構化的思考流程,運用節點表示事件的因果邏輯關係,並用樹狀圖具體的呈現,透過因果關係抽絲剝繭找出問題的核心,相當適合分析因果關係複雜的選課問題。本研究鎖定某個案大學之選課問題,經過選定方向、設定目標、規劃措施等解決步驟,在每一階段運用不同的樹圖,最後提出解決方案,並將解決方付諸執行,並分析執行結果。後續研究可能包含解決方案之執行效果提升、組織文化、量化分析等方向。


Abstract University education is a key element of economic development. University education cultivates talents by course design and professional tutoring, and facilitates the national development. Course registration is the start node which actualizes the educational objectives by course design and tutoring. Course registration in most universities is routine services. However, the effectiveness of course registration determines not only effectiveness of tutoring resource, but also their satisfaction of the universities. This study concentrates on improving the course registration processes. With the viewpoints of the students and the staff, the undesired effects and their root causes of registration processes are reviewed. Based on these root causes, feasible solutions are found, and limited resources are utilized to help students to meet their expected leaning objectives. However, the undesired effects of the course registration in this study are not suitable for a quantitative analysis. Therefore, based on the common sense management, theory of constrains (TOC) is implemented as a framework for this study. Theory of constrains is a systematic problem solving model. By intuitive logical structure, the common sense problems are structured as thinking processes. Then, the nodes are used to present the logical cause-and-effect relationship. Moreover, by the visually presented diagrams, the root causes are found, therefore it is a suitable framework for solving complicated courses registration problems. This study focused on a case university. By the steps of direction setting, goal setting, and measures planning, different diagrams are presented in each step. Finally, the solutions are proposed and executed, and the effectiveness of the solutions is evaluated. Further researches may include enhancing effectiveness of executing solutions, the effect of organizational cultures, and quantitative analysis.


