  • 學位論文

供應商管理存貨導入之探討 —以筆記型電腦公司為例

An Investigation on VMI Implementation - a case study of a notebook computer company

指導教授 : 黃惠民


中文摘要 隨著全球化的高度競爭與市場的複雜多變,電腦及電子産業中,産品跌價的速度愈來愈快,變化也愈來愈多,以往的全球運籌(Global Logistic)模式已經無法滿足供應商與消費端的需求,下單後生産(BTO)、需求後生産(CTO)的新模式也隨之而生。再看國內一般傳統産業也因過去亞洲金融危機之衝擊,顧客對商品訂購交期短和製作産銷方面漸漸變成少量多樣的趨勢及産品生命周期縮短…等因素,如何精簡採購流程,降低庫存,並共同降低配銷系統,母廠及協力廠的庫存,達成彼此間作業效率提升的目標。 而業界及管理學界積極研究上、中、下游如何合作,找尋更佳的管理策略,期望能夠藉由降低成本、快速回應及生產彈性,來保持企業的競爭力。而供應商管理存貨(Vendor Managed Inventory;VMI)正是這樣一個具有彈性,且可降低庫存的一種存貨管理機制,其可透過企業與供應商之間所建立的存貨模式,以及雙方之間供需的資訊交換,以達到降低庫存、提高存貨週轉率及彈性生產等等的目的。使得供應鏈的運作能夠效率化、存貨減少及成本減少,以增進供應鏈的效率,提昇整體產業及個體企業的競爭力。 本研究主要欲探討企業在建置VMI管理機制時,實務上的整個過程中,在不同時期所受到的各種影響因素、所遭遇到的阻礙及解決方案內容、以及實施後的成效分析等等。本研究為描述性個案研究,利用單一個案研究的方式,對個案公司建置VMI專案之重要人員,進行專家式的深度訪談,在經過整理、分析訪談內容後,清楚地描述出整個VMI建置的過程與內容。根據個案訪談,本研究整理出研究的分析與發現如下: 一、 企業採用VMI管理機制導入前因素探討部份:「內、外部壓力」、「認知利益」、「資源評估」、「產品屬性」、「企業本身採購影響力」等因素。 二、 企業在VMI導入中關鍵影響及障礙解決方案探討部份:「倉儲系統」、「顧客服務」、「供應商關係」、「管理方法」、「資訊技術」等構面。 三、 實施 VMI成效分析部份:「有形效益」、「無形效益」等。


Abstract For PC & consumer electronic products, average selling price (ASP) dropped day by day in a changing business environment along with global competition. Traditional global logistic operation model can not respond fluctuating demand change and satisfy customer needs, so, OEM & ODM companies developed Build To Order ( BTO ) and Configuration To Order (CTO) mechanism, which provide better solution with higher operation efficiency & effectiveness. After asia financial crisis in 1997, simplified procurement process, supply chain management, pipeline inventory control became common language for local manufacturing companies. Speed and flexibility means privilege and advantage. From raw material to end customers, there is a long and complicated supply chain in between. To achieve cost reduction, quick response, and production flexibility, supply chain should keep a optimized inventory level, neither too high nor too low. With help from information technology, inventory data sharing can relief company financial burden, which is the spirit of Vender Managed Inventory ( VMI ). Purpose of this study is to analyze VMI hub implementation process. Through case study, we can identify influence factors, bottle neck, and solutions in different stages. Most important, we can evaluate how VMI hub really help to improve operation efficiency. Author interviewed key person in case company VMI core team. Describe VMI set up process, and summarize interview content. Below are major findings. 1. Influence factor for VMI set up process: 「Internal / External Pressure」、 「Perspective Benefit」、「Resource Evaluation」、「Product Intrinsity」、「Company Purchasing Power」. 2. Key success factors and solutions: 「 Warehouse Systems」、「Customer Service」、「Supplier Relationships」、「Management Methodology」、「Information Technology」. 3. VMI Effectiveness: 「Tangible Effectiveness」、「Intangible Effectiveness」.


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