  • 學位論文


The Effects of Facebook on Use Intention

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


網路社群超越時空藩籬,比傳統社群更具有延展性。也因為如此,影響改變人生活的樣貌,網路社群模糊了虛擬與真實的界限。研究網路社群不僅是想瞭解虛擬空間提供人們什麼樣的活動空間,更是要瞭解這個空間與我們生活的空間的關聯,以及人們如何在虛擬空間互動,進而瞭解這種互動與人際網絡的關聯。 網路社群的發展是否有助於人們處理現代社會中人際關係疏離的問題,藉此找回失落的社群的歸屬感?另一方面,在社群意識低落的社會中,是否可能藉由網路社群的發展,以增進人們對社群的認同?過去各種有關類型網路社群的研究發現,由於人們通常將現實社會的文化特質及規範帶到網路空間與他人互動,網路世界複製現實社會的互動模式與權力結構,也就不足為怪。長期而言,網路社群對人們的生活將產生何種影響,為本研究所關注的焦點。 網路虛擬社群隨著科技的進步及時代的變遷,已逐漸演變為內容與通訊整合的平台,網路使用者已不再是被動的接受者,透過虛擬社群主動的與朋友傳遞訊息,或是認識新的朋友,進而維護增進自我的人際關係,亦可透過虛擬社群網站的遊戲來消磨時間,藉由虛擬社群的使用,在網路上開闢不同樣貌的自己,進而滿足自我的成就感。 本研究採用問卷調查法,資料收集方式為網頁問卷調查,共回收402份有效樣本,對象為曾經使用過Facebook之使用者。研究結果發現五個影響使用Facebook使用意願,分別為自我揭露、人際需求、娛樂與放鬆和社會影響會正面影響網路人際關係和使用意願;另外網路人際關係會正面影響使用Facebook的意願。本研究結果可供未來研究者及網路社群經營者參考,藉由影響使用意願之研究可以強化網路社群中自我揭露、人際需求、娛樂與放鬆及網路人際關係的多元價值,以作為策略進而提昇使用者之使用意願及忠誠度。


The Internet community crosses the barriers of time and space, extending a far greater reach than conventional geography. It has, therefore, changed our lives by blurring the line between the virtual and the real world. Studying the Internet usage allows us to understand the cyberspace activities and the relation between our lives in reality and virtual reality. It also shows people’s interaction in the virtual world and the relation between this kind of interaction and the Internet. Does the development of the cyberspace communities help with how people in our modern society deal with interpersonal alienation and thus find a sense of belonging? On the other hand, will it also encourage those in societies with little or no sense of belonging to find a commonality with cyberspace communities? We have discovered from past Internet-related research that people often bring their cultural characteristics and social norms into the cyberspace, thus duplicating the societal interactive and power structural models of the real world in cyberspace. The focus of this research is therefore on the long-term impact of an Internet community in people’s lives. Given the changes of time and advances in technology, cyberspace communities have gradually become the platform of content and information integration. Internet users are no longer passive receivers but pro-actively exchanging information with friends through virtual communities, meeting new friends, and enhancing their interpersonal relationships. They also entertain themselves through Internet games and establish themselves multiple identities on the internet in order to gain a sense self-fulfilling achievement. This research applies the questionnaires to collect data, that distributed 402 valid samples were returned and target Facebook users. The result shows five primary factors for Facebook users that exert positive influences on their Internet relationships and motivations, namely, self-disclosure, interpersonal needs, entertainment and leisure, and social influence. This research can become an useful reference for future studies and Internet businesses on how users’ motivations can strengthen the versatility of Internet community in self promotion, interpersonal needs, entertainment and leisure, and interpersonal relationship, in order to draw up strategies on promoting the users’ motivation and loyalty.




