  • 學位論文


Key factors of HR management system implementation

指導教授 : 許通安 廖秀莉


近年來由於科技蓬勃發展與網路興起,各產業界急速進入E化時代,產業界內部皆陸續積極導入各種資訊系統,並且已在產業界掀起一波巨大浪潮,也成為各企業組織提升競爭力的一大利器與必備條件。   另外企業團體間相互競爭和成功的致勝關鍵因素,已悄悄轉變為一場人力資源的競爭,若能導入一個有效確實的人力資源系統,往往即掌握了有效的致勝關鍵因素,建構一個完善的人力資源管理機制,可讓人事管理者輕鬆進行人資績效的整合和管理,與高素質人力資源訓練開發和掌握,同時可視各團體成員自我發展的需求,提供適時適當的專業訓練和幫助,並可將人資管理成效,轉化成為企業團體中無形的重要人力資源財產。   在各產業界內部積極導入資訊系統的同時,高等教育界同樣也面對此一E化資訊巨大浪潮,尤其在高等教育界競爭激烈的今日,人力資源成為高等教育界競爭勝出的重點,如何讓人事行政人員有效率的管理整合人力資源,其中包含了學校師資和行政人員,並且提升他們的人力資源價值,都是重要的課題,這些無非就是需要導入一套成效良好的人資管理系統。   本論文將針對個案學校,進行人資管理系統的導入關鍵因素探討,了解在人資管理系統導入後,影響該系統運作績效的關鍵因素為何?本研究將深入訪談該個案人事單位的五位重要成員,經由深入訪談探討,了解此人資管理系統導入後之持續使用關鍵因素為何,並針對這些關鍵因素提出改善建議與方向,期望能藉此個案研究,提供給後續想要導入人資管理系統者,一個明確可行的具體方向和建議,並能將此個案經驗提供給其他人分享與參考,讓後續想要導入人資管理系統者,能夠減少導入失敗的機率,並也相對提升系統導入成功的機率。


High development of technology and the internet have been pervaded our world over the years. It leads us to a new era of electronization in all kinds of areas, in which an effective human resource system is fundamental.   The war among enterprises and corporations had become a war of competing for human resource. A successful implementation of human resource system is a key factor to triumph.An effective human resource system enables administrators to manage and integrate staff performances efficiently. It also helps administrators develop and operate a well-organized employee training program. In the meantime, it provides professional training and advice based on the orientation of each group member’s self-accomplishment. These are the effects of a highly functional human resource systems and will be further transformed into a corporates’ priceless assets.   Not only corporations, higher education system also faces the subject of how to successfully implement a human resource system. It is an important task for an administrator to manage and integrate effectively the available human resource, which includes teachers and administrative staff. To accomplish this task, implementing an affective human resource system is definitely required.   This thesis discusses the key factors of implementing a human resource system and to uncover the key factors that influence the system after it is carried out. The case study shown in this thesis is based on a certain educational institute. Through interviews with five significant faculties in this institute, my study will display what the key factors of the implementation of its particular human resource system are and will bring forth advice and direction on how to improve the system. By means of this thesis, I hope to provide a guiding direction and a feasible method for readers who intend to implement human resource system effectively. By sharing the case study with intended users, I anticipate my thesis can serve as a reference and help them to achieve a successful implementation of human resource system.


