  • 學位論文


The Empinical Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Manufacturing Industries

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


做為台灣經濟命脈的製造業,由於大量的外移,以及面臨到重要競爭對手之高度競爭及新興國家之經濟實力的崛起,競爭優勢已逐漸降低。因此,製造業如何提昇競爭優勢是很重要的課題。 本研究首先透過文獻探討來建構製造業之營運模式,包含了經營績效、內部營運流程、供應鏈管理、顧客關係及經營績效五個構面,以及彼此之間的關聯性和關鍵運作實務。再以此模式來建構實證研究之結構方程式模式(SEM),接著設計SEM之問卷及進行調查與分析。 本研究透過統計軟體SPSS和結構方程式統計軟體,來進行統計分析,並找出製造業的成功經營模式和關鍵成功要素,本研究之重要研究結論可協助製造業者找出其成功經營的關鍵要素,並進而提昇其競爭優勢。 研究結果發現經營績效對內部營運流程、供應鏈管理有正向影響,內部營運流程、供應鏈管理對顧客關係有正向影響,而良好的顧客關係則會提高企業經營績效,而在經營策略方面,願景與策略運作最為重要,內部營運流程方面則為製造商具有競爭優勢之產品開發供應能力最為重要,供應鏈方面則是要做好供應鏈協調和整合,顧客關係方面最重要的是對市場的了解並採取因應策略,優先做好關鍵運作則會使公司經營績效提升 ,故,製造業可以遵循本研究模式,作為企業經營之參考方向。


Manufacturing is the foundation of economic development in Taiwan, but they encounter the intensive completions caused by the main competitors and the new developing countries. Taiwanese industries loss their competitive advantage gradually. Thus, How to raise the competitive advantage is the critical mission for the industries in Taiwan. But the prerequisite for the development of core capabilities is to determine the critical success factors (CSFs). In this study we first review the literature, and then develop a excellent business model for manufacturing, which includes business model, critical processes, supply chain management, customer relationship management, and business performances. Based on this model, we can develop the structure equation model (SEM) and conduct the related empirical study, which van be used to confirm the causalities among the constructs of the developed model, and then to investigate the firm’s CSFs. After the questionnaires ware received, we used the soft-ward system SPSS and LISREL to analyze the valid questionnaires. We can confirm the validity of the developed excellent business model, and find out the critical success factors for manufacturing industries. The results of this study are shown that the business model has a positive effect on the critical processes and supply chain management. The critical processes and supply chain management have positive effect on the customer relationship management. Good customer relations will improve business performance. These results can provide valuable references for manufacturing.


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