  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Triple Bottom Line Theory in Indonesia’s Small Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 郭財吉


此研究與一個永續性的問題~根據Triple Bottom Line Theory在印尼的中小型企業,目的是研究衡量永續性在印尼的中小型企業,然後從研究管理中試著去找出關聯性.此研究使用Structural Equation Modelling (SME)當精確數值去找出Structural Equation Modelling 永續性形態.這是構成行星,人類和收益.目標工作是使用AMOS soft 決定出永續的型態,使用的計算樣本資料是來自印尼250家中小企業 此結果將呈現印尼的中小企業在維持永續上的重要角色,印尼的中小型企業關係著 Triple Bottom Line Theory的運作,透過公司的運作及目標的設定.此外,永續性的政策發展在未來將被管制,根據此假說的結果,負相關將被改進和被考慮而改進永續性.此後,此發展將將能被執行使得印尼中小企業成功


This research deals with a sustainability problem based on Triple Bottom Line Theory in a small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the sustainability of SME in Indonesia then try to find the implications from the research conducted. The research applies a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) as an exact computation to find a pattern of sustainability based on triple bottom line theory which is consisted of planet, people, and profit. The objective function is to determine the pattern of sustainability using AMOS software. Data used for calculation are collected by distributing 205 samples from SMEs in Indonesia. The result shows that SMEs in Indonesia supports the sustainability and implement the theory of Triple Bottom Line. The SMEs in Indonesia implement the aspect of Triple Bottom Line Theory in their operation through the company’s actions and company’s goals that they set. In addition, the development of a sustainability strategy in the future will be conducted based on the result of the hypotheses. The negative relation will be improved and considered to be improved to reach sustainability. In the future, the development can be implemented to succeed the sustainability in SMEs in Indonesia.


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