  • 學位論文


The Research of the Cultural Landscape Transformation and Conservation Mechanism:Case Study on the Fishery Cultural Landscape Development in Dapeng Bay, Pingtung

指導教授 : 林曉薇


本研究以大鵬灣漁業文化地景之轉化為主要研究方向,思考漁業文化景觀面臨社會經濟變遷與國家政策置入的影響,造成漁業地景改變之因素,並探討「文化景觀」如何結合「保存」與「發展」,其保育之可能性與機制。同時檢討2005年2月5日新版文化資產保存法正式將「文化景觀」明訂為文化資產之重要項目,但「文化景觀」的保存標準與活化再利用的執行方式都不甚明確,以及,城鄉發展的構想中,文化資產之保存常淪為附加性的裝飾,甚至被社會大眾視為城鄉發展阻力的狀況,希冀建構起大鵬灣漁業文化地景保育發展的基礎架構。   筆者整理國內外文化地景的定義、結構化理論與保育定義,認為文化地景本身即為某種文化承載於地景,在社會制度的架構下建構與再建構過程的所有體現,反映在自然環境、歷史、計畫與制度、社群、產業、空間、活動等文化地景的構成要素交互運作下的結果,這些構成要素能幫助建立文化地景的形成分析與保育的範圍。本研究以結構化理論為解讀地景變遷之基礎,以大鵬灣週邊做為探討的區域,試圖建立文化地景的形成分析與提擬保育發展建議的架構流程為目的。研究主題以文化地景的變遷與保育發展做為探討方向。研究方法包含大鵬灣週邊相關區域、文化景觀、漁業、保育及結構化理論等面向的文獻整理為基礎,並透過深度訪查輔以圖面比對。   大鵬灣週邊從清領時期便是以漁業生產為主要的產業,然而2005行政院核定「大鵬灣風景特定區設置及開發計劃」執行至今,全新觀光休憩活動,像是賽車場、高爾夫球場、水上娛樂活動與為觀賞保留的極少數養殖活動,幾乎取代原有漁業地景的樣貌,產生了高額的建設費用和地方連結斷裂等問題,但新設的處理型紅樹林濕地,也為地方漁業帶來轉型成永續產業的可能性。因此藉由分析大鵬灣周邊漁業文化地景的變遷,本研究之成果為: 1.建立文化地景變遷之解讀方式及內涵。 2.釐清文化地景的各構成要素在變遷的歷程中如何影響與形塑大鵬灣週邊文化地景。 3.提擬可持續經營管理的大鵬灣漁業文化地景保育建議。


保育 變遷 漁業文化地景 大鵬灣


This research as the basis of fishery cultural landscape transformation in Dapeng Bay, define fishery cultural landscape on the social economic changes and the governmental policies, which are the relevant elements for changing the fishery landscape. Then research how "Cultural Landscape" combines "conservation" with "development" , what’s the conservation development’s suggestions and mechanism. Meanwhile In February 5th 2005, the new Cultural Heritage Preservation Act has defined the Cultural Landscape as an important project of cultural heritage. However, the preservation standard and the implementation modalities of adaptive reuse are not really clear. Meanwhile, cultural heritage preservation usually becomes "additional decoration" in the concept of urban and rural development, and it is even considered as the obstruction of urban and rural development. This research hopefully can establish the basic structure of fisher cultural landscape conservation development in Dapeng Bay. After arranging the definition of foreign and domestic cultural landscape, Structuration, and the definition of Conservation, cultural landscape can be considered as a kind of specific culture, which not only includes the landscape, but also exist in landscape. Cultural landscape is constructed under the structuration of social system, and it is also produced through the restructuration process. Natural environment, history, system, community, industry, spaces and activities are the relevant elements for constituting cultural landscape, and cultural landscape reflects on the result of interoperability constituents. These constituents can help establish the analysis of the formation process of cultural landscape and the range of conservation. This research makes use of the structural theory as the basis of analyzing the changes of landscape, and the surrounding area of Dapeng Bay is the investigative district. In addition, this research tries to establish the analysis of the formation process of cultural landscape and draw up the framework of conservation development’s suggestions as this study’s purpose. Cultural landscape’s changes and conservation development are used as the investigative direction for the research topic, and the research method would include the researches related to Dapeng Bay, cultural landscape, fishery industry, conservation and structural theory, these literature reviews as the basis. Additionally, the research method is supplemented with the pictures of visiting the surrounding area of Dapeng Bay as comparison. Fishing industry has been the main industry in the surrounding area of Dapeng Bay since the occupation of Qing Dynasty. However, after the Construction and the Development Plans of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area has been implemented by Executive Yuan since 2005, those new touristic activities, such as motor racetrack, golf course, aquatic recreational activities and rare cultivation for admiring the view, almost have replaced all the original fishing industrial landscape, which have caused lots of problems due to the expensive construction’s expense and the fracture of the regional connection. Nevertheless, the new Mangrove Wetland also brings the local fishing industry a possibility to change as a permanent industry. Thus, according to analyzing the changes of fishery industrial cultural landscape in the surrounding area of Dapeng Bay, the results of the study can be founded as: 1.Establishing the way of analyzing the changes of cultural landscape 2.Clarifying how each relevant element of cultural landscape impacted on the cultural landscape in the surrounding area of Dapeng Bay during the changing process 3.Formulating the sustainable management which for suggestion of fishery cultural landscape conservation in Dapeng Bay.


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