  • 學位論文


A Study of preservation of local memory on Qingtian Street in Taipei city

指導教授 : 黃承令


摘要   地方是一個承載記憶的記憶體,一個地方的形塑,必須有一塊土地(地景或區塊)由「人」與「自然」或「地景」結合在發展,創造出各自的特色.沒有一個地方是不需要人的存在,人存在了,地方也就存在.每一個地方都具有其獨特性,根據地方的現象、結構、精神的不同,所產生的認同感、地方感也會有所不同,無法被取代。這些地方經由人的進入將會開始產生空間,地方創造出來的空間滿足於人最基本需求,也就是「家」.在滿足需求後他們會開始注重外部的空間,從街道到開放空間再到各家的營造。藉由這樣的過程人與人之間的互動,創造當地特有文化,最後形塑成地方,即是「地方化的過程」。   在過去,一個地方居住的人可能來自同一個故鄉,也可能不是。但他們要面臨的問題是一致的,就是共同營造他們現在所在的地方,在一個「地方」記憶與獨特性是無法被模仿的。但近年來都市的發展,導致許多地方不再具有獨特性,只是將全球各地的店家或住宅,找一塊區位不錯或老建物再利用的地方拼湊出來,也就是沒有當地的歷史發展出來的特色,即是個「非地方」。   現今,都市發展的迅速,導致地方面貌快速變遷。這或許是都市改革者想改變老舊地方,進行一連串的都市更新,想讓地方變得更好。但在執行的過程中可能忽略了當地特色及過去當地人是以何種方式來塑造地方,使得地方感消失。因此,再發展的過程中,我們應該更加重視地方的重要性。   隨著台北市近年來都市更新的腳步,許多過去繁榮的地方已逐漸衰敗,這些地方是過去發展歷史悠久的區塊,它們即將面臨都市更新。本研究將探討過去為「昭和町」的青田街,在都市發展的過程中面臨「地域性」紋理與古蹟保存該如何面對,針對文化、歷史、日式宿舍等方面進行探討,論述其保存的重要性與歷史價值。期望作為往後在發展的過程中,參考依據,能保有當時在日治時期及人文歷史發展的生活記憶。


Abstract A place is a carrier that loads memory. A place is shaped based on the land (land scenery or area) which is developed by the human combining nature or land scenery to create its uniqueness. No place is called a place without human being. Every place is unique. Different phenomena, structures and spirits can generate different senses of both identity and place which can never be replaced. With the inhabiting of people, these places start to produce space to meet basic requirements of people. That is to say, after their requirements are met, people will start to pay attention to the outer space, from street to open space and the building of their home. During this process, people can interact between each other, create local unique culture and finally shape a place. That is the process of localization. In the past, people dwelling in a place perhaps come from the same hometown or not. However, they face the same problem - to build their current living place together. Memory and uniqueness of a place cannot be imitated. But, in recent years, urban development leads to many places with no uniqueness. They only find a good place or a place with old buildings to reconstruct or serve as their shops or residences from all over the world. This place has no local historical development, so it is a non-place. Nowadays, the rapid development of urban area has brought great changes in the places. Maybe urban reformers want to change old places and renewal cities a lot and make it better. But, during the execution, they may ignore local features and how previous people shape these places, so these places were missing. Therefore, in the re-development process, we should pay more attention to the importance of place. With the pace of updating in Taipei City in recent years, many previous prosperous places with long history have gradually declined, but now they are facing the urban renewal. This study aims to explore how Qingtian Street (previously called Zhaoheting) faces localization and historical sites preservation in the urban development process. According to discussion on cultures, histories and Japanese dormitories, this study states the importance and value of preservation. It is expected to be used as references in future development process and life memories in Japanese occupation period and art historical development can be preserved.


