  • 學位論文


The Influence of DataBase Marketing on the Enterprises' Operating Performance

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


進入二十一世紀資訊科技快速的發展,使得企業有能力儲存大量的客戶相關資料(如資料倉儲),再加上日益進步的資料分析工具(如資料採礦等),企業能藉此更加了解潛在客戶的真正需求,並用來提高決策過程中的有效性。因此,資料庫行銷不但能有效滿足客戶需求,亦能擴大企業的市場佔有率。 換言之,企業為了提昇競爭力,資料庫行銷系統的導入便很重要,如此一來才要能從快速變動中能掌握即時、正確的資訊,來作出最佳決策。 本研究將以資料庫行銷之規劃與分析為研究主題,利用文獻分析方式,試圖發展出一套資料庫行銷之整合規劃模式,以作為汽車經銷商對整體營運規劃與分析之依據,並針對福特汽車台灣總公司、系統廠商及本次研究之個案經銷商進行深入訪談分析與歷史資料驗證,以了解該流程架構的實用性及實務上的相關運作,並試圖給予策略上的建議。 分析個案結果發現:資料庫行銷系統運用越多,對服務廠貢獻度越高。然而理論架構的發展雖具實用性,惟發展之過程仍不免有代表性及深度等客觀因素上的限制。最後研究建議:有效地分析資料庫數據以轉化為行銷工具,來增加資料庫中顧客數與提升顧客消費頻率,為經銷商在實行資料庫行銷時最為重要課題。


In 2000’s, developing in I.T. rapidly. The enterprises have the ability to store large amounts of customer information (such as Data Warehouse) and taken advantage of data analysis tools (such as data mining, etc.) to find out the real needs of potential customers. Then those actionable knowledge that can be used to improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process in the marketing department. Therefore, the Database marketing not only offers proper products for each segmented customers, but also expands the enterprises' market share. For the purpose of elevating competition, companies must grasp correct information in time and adopt the best strategy. It becomes more important to construe the database-marketing system to elevate strategic advantage. This research served planning and analyzing activities of database marketing as the theme, and applied literature review method to form an integrated database marketing planning procedure. This thesis also aimed at Ford Lio Ho Motor Company, supplier and a dealer as the case, and then conducted in-depth interviews and historical data in order to understand the applicability and related operation know-how of the underlying model. An analysis of the case indicates that the more using database-marketing system, the more profits of the services will be generated. Although practical values are contained in theory architectures, limitations such as representative and objective factors exist. At the end, the research suggests that effective analysis of database could be a marketing tool. How to recruit more customers and increase consuming frequency will be an important issue for “Dealers” to practice database-marketing.


Database marketing Data Mining Performance


Bugel, Marnix S. and Bus, A. H. (1998). “The Strategic Utilization of Database Marketing”, The Journal of Database Marketing, Vol.6, No.2, 156-163.
