  • 學位論文


Research on the Determinants Factor of Taiwanese Willingness and Success to Employment or Entrepreneurship in Mainland China

指導教授 : 林震岩


以往有關臺灣人赴大陸就業或創業意願與成功因素之研究,最多僅是進行赴大陸意願的研究,缺乏對就業與創業成功因素的探討,更很少進行這些議題的實證研究。本研究根據相關文獻及實際訪談進行問卷設計與調查。並分別針對臺灣人赴大陸意願、赴大陸就業成功因素、赴大陸創業成功因素進行三個實證研究,研究結果可提供想赴大陸的臺灣人就業與創業之建議及決策參考。 第一份問卷研究臺灣人赴大陸就業或創業意願決定因素之研究,本研究發展出七項研究假設因素,分別是吸引因素、阻礙因素、親友關係、個人特質等因素影響臺灣人對大陸接受度的四項假設,加上親友關係及個人特質兩個干擾因素對大陸接受度之關係的兩項假設、還有對大陸接受度影響臺灣人就業、創業意願的一項假設。經實證結果假設都成立,以上因素都是影響臺灣人赴大陸意願之決定因素。另外亦發現個人資料因素中的曾經赴大陸停留時間愈長、有長期居住在大陸的親友、親友關係中的不用擔心臺灣家累、親友的鼓勵及引薦工作、公司的薪資福利滿意度愈高、大陸政府中有優惠政策,整體環境居住環境進步等因素,都是影響臺灣人赴大陸就業或創業意願之決定正顯著因素;反之,阻礙因素中個人適應大陸環境不良、居住環境不佳、抗壓力差、無競爭能力,也是影響赴大陸就業或創業意願之決定負面顯著因素。 第二份問卷研究臺灣人赴大陸就業成功因素之研究,本研究發展出下列的八項研究假設因素,分別是個人基本資料、個人條件與特質、大陸就業環境、赴陸就業意願、公司基本資料、公司經營績效、公司人事制度、公司福利待遇。經實證結果發現前七項因素都成立,只有公司福利待遇因素影響不顯著。第三份問卷研究臺灣人赴大陸創業成功因素之研究,本研究發展出六項研究假設因素,分別是創業者基本資料、創業者條件、創業者人格特質、創業公司基本資料、創業經營模式、創業環境。經實證結果發現除創業者基本資料、創業公司基本資料兩項因素不成立外,其他四項因素實證結果都成立。 以上三項研究結論,可發現臺灣人赴大陸就業或創業意願相對較高,故影響決定因素也比較多。而且,赴大陸就業成功比赴大陸意願也比較難以達成,成功難度高。有意願赴大陸就業不見得成功,故影響就業成功因素決定因素相對較少。赴大陸創業成功之困難度比就業成功更困難,三項中最難,故能影響創業的成功因素也是最少,相對的更要具備最多成功條件及資源準備,否則難以創業成功。本研究後建議,對想赴大陸就業者要有積極與成長的強烈意願企圖心、慎選公司制度與薪酬的保障、規劃未來生活與工作的發展、不斷培育創新與競爭的能力。赴大陸創業者擁有對大陸政策與資源的掌握,過人的膽識與資金的實力、接地氣經營與獲利的模式。


Previous research on the determinants factor of Taiwanese willingness and success to employment or entrepreneurship in China, At most, it's just a research of the willingness to go to the China. There was a lack of discussion on the factors of employment success and entrepreneurship success. This research conducted questionnaire design and survey based on the relevant literature and actual interviews.The results of the research can provide suggestions and decision-making references for Taiwanese who want to Employment or Entrepreneurship in China. The first questionnaire research the determinants factor of Taiwanese willingness to em-ployment or entrepreneurship in China. This research developed seven hypothetical factors, There are four factors such as attractive factors, impediments, relatives and friends, personal traits, etc., which individually affect Taiwanese acceptance of the China. Coupled with the two assumptions of the relationship between relatives and friends and personal traits on the acceptance of the China , and one hypothesis that the acceptance of China affects Taiwanese employment and entrepreneurship. The empirical results assume that all of them are true. The above factors are all determinants of Taiwanese's willingness to work in China. The second questionnaire research the factors of Taiwaneses’ employment success in China. This research developed the following eight research hypothetical factors, which are personal basic information, personal conditions and characteristics, Chinese employment en-vironment, willingness in China, company basic information, company operating performance, company human resources system, and company salaryand welfare. The empirical results show that the first seven factors are all established, and only salaryand welfare of the company is not significant. The third questionnaire research the factors influencing the success of Taiwanese entrepreneurship in China. This research has developed six research hypothetical factors: entrepreneur basic information, entrepreneur conditions, entrepreneur personality traits, company basic information, business operating models, entrepreneurial environment. The empirical results show that except for the basic information of the entrepreneur and the basic information of the startup company, empirical results for the other four factors are t truly established. The above three research conclusions explain that Taiwaneses’ willingness of employing and starting a business in China are the highest. However, the success of employment in China is more difficult to achieve than the willingness of being employment or starting entrepreneurship in China. Finally, the difficulty of the entrepreneurship success in China is the most difficult among these three researches. Therefore, the factors that can affect the success of starting entrepreneurship are the least, and it must have more successful conditions and resources. Otherwise, it will be complicated to entrepreneurship success. Suggested after this research, Employers need to be positive and grow, System and protection of salary, Life and work development, Ability to innovate and compete. Entrepreneurs must have a grasp of policies and resources, Courage and financial strength, Management and profit model.


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