  • 學位論文

特殊教育教師甄試成功者相關因素之研究 - 以學士後特殊教育學分班教師生涯發展為例

Factors of Success Recruiter for Special Education Teachers - A Case Study on Career Development of Postgraduate Special Education Teachers

指導教授 : 韓福榮 王文伶


摘 要 本研究目的在探討特殊教育教師甄試成功者之相關因素,並以學士後特殊教育學分班教師為樣本,採問卷調查研究法,施以自編之「特殊教育教師甄試成功相關因素之研究調查問卷」,總計發出120份問卷,回收有效問卷84份,問卷回收率為70%,以敘述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森相關、多元迴歸之統計方法分析量化問卷結果,並統合整理問卷質性題目之意見與建議形成本研究之研究結果。 研究結果:一、特殊教育教師甄試成功者相關因素之個人內在因素、外在支持因素、教師甄試準備因素的調查結果大多在中上水準。 二、不同年齡、婚姻狀況、經濟來源的個人背景因素與特教教師甄試成功者相關因素(個人內在因素、外在支持因素、教師甄試準備因素)達顯著差異,性別、普通教育代課年資、特殊教育代課年資、學歷、義工經歷、扶養人口數、有無身心障礙家屬與特教教師甄試成功者相關因素則未達顯著差異。 三、教師專業能力因素、教師專業特質因素、信念動機因素、價值動機因素、外在支持因素此五項因素彼此之間有相關,而教師甄試準備因素與教師專業能力、教師專業特質、信念動機、價值動機、外在支持等因素皆無相關。 四、控制個人背景因素後,從大多數的迴歸方程式中發現教師甄試成功的因素中以價值動機因素對參加教師甄試次數的影響力為最大,其次是教師專業特質因素與外在支持因素。 五、特殊教育教師對教師甄試的意見中,針對教師甄試考試的困難度以筆試最難,其次依序是教學演示、個人檔案準備、口試及前往報名;而針對考試的公平性,有23位教師會對筆試的公平性感到困惑,而有37位教師對複試的公平性感到困惑;認為自己考上教師甄試的主要原因以努力不放棄的原因最多,其次依序是運氣好、有代課經驗等;質性問題填答中受試者針對師資培育機構的建議,在課程上以增加一般教育專業知識與特殊教育專業知識的意見最多,而在實習上的建議則以增加教學實習、教學演示次數,及減少實習時行政雜務工作的意見最多。


Abstract The purpose: This study is to investigate the successful factors of selected special education teachers who passed the screening exam, and take post-education class graduates for the samples. Method: The samples, adopting survey and self-design questionnaires, for a total of 120 questionnaires are mailed and 84 are valid questionnaires. The response rate is 70 percent. Data is analyzed by descriptive statistics, MANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis of statistical methods. Research results: First, the research results show that individual internal factors, external support factors, teachers’ preparation factors for selected special education teachers are almost reached middle to high levels. Second, there are significant differences between different ages, marital status, economic sources of personal background and individual internal factors, external support factors, teachers’ preparation factors for selected special education teachers. However, there are no significant differences between gender, years of common and special education substitute services, academic background, volunteer experiences, numbers of dependent populations, whether physical and psychological disabilities in family members and selected special education teachers. Third, professional competence of teachers, teacher professional qualities, motives and beliefs, the value of motivational factors, external support factors, these five factors are positive related to each other. However, teachers’ preparations, professional competence of teachers, teacher professional qualities, beliefs and motives, the value of motivation, external support factors are not related to each other. Fourth, after controlling personal background factors, the results from most of the regression equations show that the most powerful influence factor for selected teachers is the value of motivation, followed by the professional qualities of teachers and external factors support factors. Fifth, the most difficult part of screening exam for selected special education teachers is written test, followed are teaching presentations, personal files ready, oral application and applications of the examination. 23 teachers are confused for the fairness of written test. 37 teachers are also confused for the fairness of second round exam and consider the main reason for their successful entrance is their self-efforts and not giving up, followed by good luck, substitute experiences and so on. Conclusion: Most teachers in the survey suggest increasing the courses on general education and special education expertise for teachers’ education institutions. Also, most teachers suggest increasing teaching practice, teaching demonstrations, and reduce administrative miscellaneous affairs at work for teachers’ practice.


余鑑譯(1998)。終生之生涯輔導與諮上冊(Career Guidance and Counseling Through The Life Span(4e)。Edwin L. Herr & Stanley H. Cramer原著,國立編譯館,台北市。


